Any heart that is healthy beats in a regular rhythm. The lower and upper chambers will beat in a consistent yet synchronized pattern that can be discerned with the naked ear. Each time your heart beats, there is a pause which if followed by another beat and so on. People who suffer from bigeminy are missing the correct pause following each beat. Bigeminy causes the beat to arrive more quickly than it should, essentially, a specific pattern of short and long beats.
Every double set of beats is called a twin. If the early beats originate from the lower chambers of the heart, they are called premature ventricular contractions. When the early beats originate from the upper chambers of the heart, they are called premature atrial contractions.
The right side of your heart is tasked with exchanging the carbon dioxide in your lungs for oxygen, and the left is tasked with moving that blood through the rest of your body.
1. High Blood Pressure
The amount of force that your blood puts on the walls of your arteries is called blood pressure. If your blood pressure gets too high or remains high for an extended period of time, it can result in several health complications. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to various ailments such as stroke, heart failure, bigeminy and more. Your heart is tasked with pumping blood that is rich in oxygen to the cells and muscles of your body.
In those suffering from high blood pressure, the walls are under a high amount of constant force. The majority of people who have moderately high blood pressure may not exhibit any symptoms. Though high blood pressure is a common cause of bigeminy, not every person who suffers from bigeminy will have high blood pressure.
Hypertension is caused by high blood pressure and bigeminy is often misdiagnosed as hypertension due to the way they both affect the heart.