Staying fit is important for women of any age, but after our 40s our body starts changing, and taking care of our own health feels more important than ever. Research shows that an active lifestyle improves our overall health, prevents or decreases many problems associated with aging, and helps us preserve our physical and mental […]
12 Amazing Exercises For People With Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you have heard this a million times before: you must exercise, you must lose weight and keep a healthy lifestyle This is a general rule for everybody because we all can benefit from being active, using the muscles of our body and training a bit here and there. However, if you […]
9 Fruit Types for Diabetics
One of the common misconceptions about diabetes is that patients need to avoid fruit because an overload of glucose could come from eating apples, pears, and oranges. While there are some things to be aware of when it comes to fruit and diabetes, the myth that fresh fruit should be avoided is simply not true. […]
18 Ways to Help Prevent Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious and life-changing condition. Although it can be managed with diet and lifestyle changes and while most people will live a perfectly healthy and happy life with diabetes, the reality is that diabetes will change the way you eat, create a need for regular injections and generally have a huge impact on […]
14 Low Fiber Foods You Need to Include in Your Diverticulitis Diet
Diverticulitis is a relatively common ailment, especially in people who are over the age of 50. This condition is the result of small pouches that develop in the intestinal walls. Many people have these pouches and do not experience any type of symptoms from them. However, when these pouches become inflamed a person may experience […]
12 Foods You Should Eat on a Gastroparesis Diet
Having gastroparesis can definitely be a debilitating condition. Gastroparesis is a disease where your stomach is very slow to empty. That means that the amount of food that you eat during a meal can trigger gastroparesis symptoms if you do not choose the foods carefully or eat carefully. There are a lot of things that […]