Diverticulitis is a disease that affects the lower area of the large intestine and the colon. The exact cause for this disease is not known, but it is more common in people over the age of 40. The disease is characterized by small sac like pockets developing in the colon’s lining. These sacs are called […]
Diet & Nutrition
10 Causes of Leg Cramps
Muscle cramping is one of the most uncomfortable things that can happen to you, and usually, they can happen at any point and time with no prior warning that they’re about to hit. Have you ever had a serious cramp in your leg that suddenly made you stop and wince in pain? Leg cramps are […]
15 Foods for Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is the result of an under-active thyroid that is not producing enough of the thyroid hormone. You can tell that you likely have an under-active thyroid if you have some of these symptoms: fatigue, joint and muscle pain, weight gain, brittle hair and nails, slow heart rate, depression, hair loss, sensitivity to cold, and […]
10 GMO Foods You Must Avoid Eating
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were once promoted as the future of agriculture and the industry of food in general. With an increasing world population and the development of new technologies in the field of agroindustry, companies – especially the corporate giant Monsanto – presented options to increase productivity with plantations and cattle. Many plants and […]
13 Trigger Foods to Avoid With Acid Reflux
Could you be suffering from acid reflux? Acid reflux is an often chronic condition whereby the acid contained in the stomach runs up towards the mouth and throat – and symptoms of this can include constant heartburn after you eat, or waking up several times throughout the night experiencing heartburn. You might also experience other […]
12 Foods You Should Eat on a Gastroparesis Diet
Having gastroparesis can definitely be a debilitating condition. Gastroparesis is a disease where your stomach is very slow to empty. That means that the amount of food that you eat during a meal can trigger gastroparesis symptoms if you do not choose the foods carefully or eat carefully. There are a lot of things that […]