Does your nose constantly feel stuffy and blowing it doesn’t seem to help? Are you experiencing pain or pressure in your cheeks, around your eyes, or in your forehead? Has your sense of taste or smell diminished? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may be suffering from a sinus infection. A […]
Natural Cures
14 Home Cures for Menstrual Cramps Relief
Menstrual cramps, also referred to as dysmenorrhea are throbbing pains experienced in the lower abdomen. Women experience menstrual cramps immediately before and during their periods. While for some women dysmenorrhea can be merely aggravating, for others however, the pains are severe, enough to paralyze their daily activities for days. The common causes of menstrual cramps […]
15 Benefits of Ginseng
Ginseng has been used as a medicine for centuries, and it’s become a household word in America and many other Western countries. Ginseng is one of the most popular and well-known herbal medicines worldwide, and it has been used by many cultures, tribes, and groups of people as a headache cure, infertility treatment, as well […]
15 Natural Remedies That Successfully Fight Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are formed with the blood vessel walls start to weaken. The veins will become swollen and twisted and may appear to be closer to the skin. Most of the time varicose veins are simply a cosmetic issue as they do not really cause many health issues. For those who have mild cases of […]
12 Home Remedies to Treat a Blood Clot in Your Leg
Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT, is a very real medical problem that affects an estimated 900, 000 people every year; about half of those cases are asymptomatic, and the other half can manifest with symptoms which include swelling and redness, cramps in the calves and an inexplicable rash. Deep vein thrombosis is also […]
14 Home Cures to Relief Tension Headache
Tension headaches are a common problem that many people experience. Some people suffer from headaches on a daily basis, and many struggle with getting through their daily routines as a result of the pain. Some people have to seek medical attention because their headaches become unbearable. There are many medications and treatments that can be […]