Veneers in many ways might seem like the perfect solution if you don’t have quite the smile you always wanted. The idea of a veneer is simple: you are attaching a façade to the front of your teeth, thereby changing their outward appearance while at the same time protecting them from any potential damage on that surface.
This is ideal because it means you can practically transform the appearance of your mouth. You can ‘design’ the smile you want in order to look like a Hollywood celebrity, or perhaps in order to recreate the set of teeth you had in your youth.
But of course no procedure is perfect, and that is certainly true of cosmetic dental procedures. In this post, we’ll look at some of the biggest upshots and downsides of having veneer teeth. The decision ultimately, of course, comes down to you and your goals!
1. Up: They Look Great
The obvious upside is this: veneers look great.
When you flash someone a smile, they actually aren’t going to be seeing your real teeth. Rather, they’re going to be seeing the veneers that will be sitting right there in front of your enamel. And seeing as the veneers won’t have any stains from coffee, seeing as they won’t be damaged or yellowing… you can get that ‘Hollywood’ look.
This is one of the only ways to affordably get the perfect set of glistening white teeth, without having to have a painful procedure, and without having to spend a huge amount of money and spend a large amount of time in surgery.
Many of us wish that we had straighter or whiter teeth. The mouth is one of the parts of our face that we focus on the most and is what we use to speak as well as to express any and all emotion.
For these reasons, a great smile can go a long way in making us more attractive – just as a crooked smile or stained teeth can do the opposite. This is why cosmetic dentistry procedures are so popular.