The gallbladder is one of the most important organs to be found in the body, and together with the liver and kidneys, it helps to process a lot of what you put into your system every day.
A high-fat diet combined with a high-risk lifestyle (including being a smoker and heavy drinker) can increase your risk of developing an inflamed gallbladder: Sometimes, even food sensitivities over a long period of time might contribute to causing an inflamed gallbladder.
Gallbladder inflammation is very common: Those who haven’t had an inflamed gallbladder themselves are likely to know someone (or several people) who have.
The condition can be painful and uncomfortable, but easy to treat with lifestyle adaptations and antibiotics once it has been diagnosed.
Here are 14 frequent symptoms that you might experience if you have an inflamed gallbladder.
1. Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms that anyone with an inflamed gallbladder will experience, and it’s one of the first symptoms that might manifest.
It’s a different kind of abdominal pain than the kind that most people would associate with regular stomach pain or stomach upset: Instead, this type of abdominal pain can be sharp, eventually settle to a dull ache and be worse when the person moves or presses on the affected area.
Most people who develop gallbladder inflammation will realize almost instantly that what they are experiencing feels “different” to stomach pain. This “different” and more sensitive abdominal pain is very likely to indicate gallbladder pain if you can combine other symptoms on this list.
See your doctor at the first signs of abdominal pain.