Ectropion is the medical term for when the lower eyelid starts to sag in an outward direction, away from the eyeball. As a result, the inner eyelid receives exposure to environmental elements. Patients who develop a case of ectropion experience symptoms of chronic dry eyes, as the eye loses the ability to lubricate the surface of the eyeball adequately.
If left untreated an unmanaged, the affected individual may develop a case of chronic dry eye syndrome that leads to the onset of other eye problems. The patient may find that they start to experience frequent infection, with conjunctivitis bacteria being the most common pathogen responsible.
Patients are also at risk of developing a blurred vision that may lead to the onset of a permanent reduction in their eyesight. In most cases, eye drops only provide the patient with limited relief. A surgical procedure can rectify the problem and return the eyelid to normal function. Here are eight symptoms of ectropion.
1. Muscular Dysfunction and Weakness
The leading cause for the development of ectropion is a muscular dysfunction of the eyelids that occurs as a natural part of the aging process. While everyone ages, not everyone experiences the onset of ectropion. Most cases of the condition occur in people who are over the age of 50-years old. The body starts to experience a drop in protein synthesis ion the forties, and this continues to decline for the rest of our lives.
Unfortunately, a drop in protein synthesis affects many vital biological processes in the body. Collagen is a protein that’s responsible for maintaining the muscular system, and it’s the protein that gives your skin its vibrant and healthy look. People that develop a collagen deficiency are at risk of numerous issues occurring with their skin, ligaments, muscles, and hair.
The lack of protein synthesis in the body causes problems with muscle dysfunction and weakness around the ligaments that control the eyelid. As a result, the patient starts to develop ectropion.