Your gums play a crucial part in your oral health. They are comprised of very dense, yet soft tissue, forming a firm seal that surrounds your teeth in order to support the jawbone and prevent bacteria from damaging the roots of your teeth.
The gums can be affected by a condition known as gingival swelling, or more simply, swollen gums. When they gums swell, they may look as if they are bulging out. They also tend to be sensitive or even painful to the touch, and the can bleed easily, especially when you brush or floss your teeth. Instead of the normal pink, the color changes to an aggravated red. In severe cases, the gums may become so inflamed that they can actually conceal portions of your teeth.
There are several reasons why the gums can swell, including gingivitis, pregnancy, infections, and even malnutrition. If your gums are swollen, it’s important to see a dentists as soon as possible; however, there are ways that you can reduce the swelling on your own.
Here’s a look at 11 ways you can minimize swollen gums.
1. Try a ginger paste
Ginger is has long been hailed for its ability to reduce swelling. That’s because it contains anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antioxidants. These properties are why ginger is so frequently recommended as a natural way to treat an upset stomach. They can also prove to be an effective way to reduce swollen, painful gums. To create a ginger paste, start my slicing fresh ginger into small pieces.
Place the pieces into a container and mash them up until they have a paste-like consistency. Add in some salt and mix together until the paste becomes coarse. Dip a clean finger or a new cotton swab into the paste and then rub it over your gums. Leave the paste on your gums for about 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth out thoroughly with lukewarm water. Repeat the application of ginger paste three times a day.