When we think of improving our blood pressure, we often focus almost exclusively on the ways to lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a common health complaint which is caused when the amount of pressure in the circulatory system is too great. This can be the result of increased stress, of fatty deposits or of inflammation.
But hypotension is also a big problem and this is something that often goes overlooked. Hypotension is low blood pressure and the easiest way to imagine this is to think of your veins like straws and your heart like your mouth trying to drink water out of a glass. Here, the straw is too wide or the water is shallow and either way, you need to suck harder to get the water to flow.
This is what happens when you have low blood pressure and when you consider that your blood needs to make an uphill climb towards your brain, it’s easy to see why this can be a problem.
Low blood pressure is a somewhat misunderstood problem, so in this list we’ll be taking a look at seven useful facts you should know about it.
1. It’s a Problem
Just as high blood pressure can be a problem, so too can low blood pressure. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that only high blood pressure is anything to worry about – low blood pressure can cause dizziness, fainting and poor blood supply around the body.
Low blood pressure is defined generally as anything under 90 over 60. However, what’s important to recognize is that it is actually only diagnosed as low blood pressure where it causes symptoms. If you feel fine, then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about – but do be aware of it.