A broken collarbone can happen at any time and anywhere. When it occurs, you will want to know how it happened. It may happen all of a sudden. A broken collarbone is an injury that is rare in the United States. It involves the break in the bone where it connects the breastbone to the shoulder.
It is a painful injury and can even happen to infants. It is an injury that can be cured with the right treatment, including therapy and at home treatments. The best thing you can do with a broken collarbone is to rest and take over-the-counter pain relievers. It is also a good idea to place the side of the shoulder that’s injured in a sling.
On the other hand, if it’s a severe injury, surgery may be the only course of action. Even if you’re nervous about the surgery, it should be done as soon as possible.
Here are eight common causes of a broken collarbone.
1. Falls are a common cause of a broken collarbone.
When you fall, you land on your shoulder or hand outstretched. It is always a good idea to watch where you’re going. Falls can happen anywhere, including outside while hanging out clothes or in the grocery store. In the grocery store, sometimes they fail to put a slippery sign on the floor. Even though, the store is liable, it will take a while for your shoulder to heal. If you are a physically active person, it will cause you to lay low for a while.
Falls can happen if you are a pedestrian and get hit by a vehicle. It is even worse if the vehicle happens to run over your shoulder. In this scenario, you’ll have to have surgery. Since you got hit by a vehicle and injured, the ambulance team will immediately take you to the hospital for surgery.