The piriformis syndrome is a condition that causes pain in the buttocks, which makes the pain in the piriformis muscle irritate the closeby sciatic nerve. The irritated sciatic nerve causes further problems in the person’s leg. Feeling a pain arising from the upper side of the leg and going down to the lower side of the leg indicates that you may be having the most common symptoms.
Patients report feeling electrical sensations as well as uneasiness and pain near the buttock area. Not only does the pain reinforce electrical sensations, but patients also feel a limited range of motion around the hip area.
Sensations like tingling and even pain when engaging in physical activities are quite common. For reducing the intensity of symptoms of the piriformis syndrome, stretching and exercises are recommended to people.
Following are the 8 causes of the piriformis syndrome that you might want to look at:
1. An injury
A blow to the area or even a fall or injury can lead to the piriformis muscle being damaged and causing buttock pain. Whether the injury comes from a fall or a car accident, it still might affect the piriformis muscle in a way that would cause health issues for you.
When the piriformis muscle is affected in an injury, the nearby sciatic nerve would react. Thus, it can lead to pain and strange sensations in the leg. There are many kinds of tests that are performed by doctors that could let you know if you have the piriformis syndrome.
Not only that, but you can also perform exercises to tame down the pain in one of your legs.
Exercises and stretches make the piriformis muscle stronger and help you recover faster. Those exercises can decrease the severity of your muscle spasms as well as relieving muscle tightness.