Dysphasia is a condition that affects a person’s language skills. There are more than 200,000 cases of dysphasia in the United States each year. It can be self-treated or with a speech therapist.
There are unexplained causes of dysphasia that you will want to know. If you ever experience or know someone who suddenly has a language impairment, you will want to know what the cause was. With dysphasia, it causes a person to be unable to understand the simple things that others are saying.
It is not his or her fault. It’s just that their brain isn’t relaying the information to them correctly. In order to be sure that a person has dysphasia, a CAT scan may be needed. The medical professional can get the person in contact with the right specialist who can give him or her the right treatment.
Also, a caregiver is needed for a person with dysphasia to help them when they don’t understand things.
1. Stroke is the main cause of having dysphasia.
When you have a stroke, there is a blockage in the blood vessels of the brain that causes blood cells do not circulate. The person is unable to get oxygen to the brain. If this lasts for too long, a person can die.
When a person has a stroke, one side of their body is unable to function. They are unable to talk properly as well. It will be difficult for someone to understand what he is she is saying. In order for the person to get back to normal, they will need speech and physical therapy. It is a slow process, but the person will get their speech back.
A stroke can be prevented by eating healthy and taking their prescribed medication on a daily basis. A stroke can happen as well when a person abuses over-the-counter medications or taken medicines that they shouldn’t.