Rosacea is a condition that is often associated with acne and which can sometimes actually be mistaken for acne. This causes a redness across the face, often in specific areas around the face, which many people mistake for the redness caused by spots.
In fact, though, rosacea is something else entirely and can affect people at any age. What’s interesting, is that it is thought that thousands of people actually suffer from rosacea without realizing it – due to its difficulty in diagnosing and its apparent similarity with acne. If you think you simply have acne then and this is causing your face to appear red… look a little closer! It may just be that something more complex is causing the problem.
At this point, you’ll probably be wondering what might have caused the problem. In this post, we’re going to take a closer look and attempt to answer that question. Here are eight possible causes of rosacea.
1. Acne
While rosacea may be an entirely separate condition from acne, the two often do go hand-in-hand. And in fact, it is possible that rosacea can cause acne.
Acne will often cause swelling and redness on the skin around the areas where spots form. If this should happen, then it can eventually get to the point where the entire area of skin beneath the pimples becomes red, tough, and angry.
It’s also useful to keep in mind that in some cases, acne and rosacea are simply caused by the same underlying factors. It could be that you have acne and rosacea because of hormonal imbalances for instance, or that both are exacerbated by stress.
It’s also possible that both can be caused by bacteria or even skin mites. With that in mind then, it may be advisable to try using regular acne products, especially those that focus on cleansing the skin and killing off potential bacteria and infection.