Lou Gehrig’s disease is a very rare nervous system disease. When it does occur, there are less than 20,000 cases that are reported in the US during the year. Lou Gehrig’s disease is when the muscles because the weak and physical function is impacted. The disease can be controlled, but it can’t be cured. The sooner you get treatment for it, this allows the person to have control of their movement longer. Eventually, the person will lose mobility in their hands and legs. The good thing about having Lou Gehrig’s disease is that it doesn’t affect the heart.
There a number of causes for getting Lou Gehrig’s disease. Once you know the causes, you can talk to your doctor who can educate you on what to expect and how to go about it.
Here are eight causes of Lou Gehrig’s disease that you need to know about just in case you do happen to get it.
1. Inheriting Lou Gehrig’s disease is a cause.
It has been shown that five to 10 percent of people have inherited it, but it still should cause for concern. It is a good idea to check your family history to see if anyone has had the disease. Even if someone in your family has had the condition, you still may not get it. It may skip a few generations, but you should let your doctor know.
The doctor can conduct tests in his or her office to see if you have had any of the symptoms in the past or present. For instance, if you have had problems with your hands or legs, there is a chance you could get it.
These are early symptoms and shouldn’t be taken lightly. When you do find out that someone has had Lou Gehrig’s disease in your family, don’t panic. As stated before you may not even get the disease.