The eustachian tube is a canal that connects your middle ear to your throat. Whenever you yawn, sneeze, or swallow, the eustachian tube opens. This keeps air pressure and fluid from building up in the ear. Sometimes the eustachian tube becomes infected and plugged. When this happens, it causes eustachian tube dysfunction.
A person may experience some pain in the ear and sounds will be muffled. They may only be able to hear their own voices. In order to get relief from eustachian tube dysfunction, you’ll need to use a home remedy. In a few days, the eustachian tubes should open.
After you get relief from having eustachian tube dysfunction, you’ll want to know how you got it in the first place.
There are eight common causes of eustachian tube dysfunction that you’ll need to know so that you can prevent from getting it again. It may be easy to get rid of, but it can be a pain.
1. Children’s immune systems are weaker than adults.
It can cause them to get eustachian tube dysfunction much easier. Their eustachian tubes are much shorter than adults and germs can get trapped in the middle ear. That’s why it’s important for children to have regular physicals because some children won’t let their parents know that they have an illness.
Eustachian tube dysfunction may not cause them any pain. The only way parents will know that something is wrong with the child is if he or she is messing with their ear. That is an indication that the child has an ear infection. It’s important to take the child to see their pediatrician as soon as possible because since a child’s immune systems are weaker than adults, the ear infection can turn into permanent hearing loss.
The pediatrician will tell the parents what they need to do in order to clear the infection, along with a written prescription.