Before we dive right in, it’s important that we get one thing out the way: not all cases of rosacea can be cured. Experts are not 100% sure what actually causes the condition, and indeed it seems that each case of rosacea may be somewhat unique.
But with all that being said, it is also true that we have some very good ideas of what might cause rosacea. And in many cases, following this advice seems to be at least somewhat effective in helping to treat the condition.
If you are suffering from rosacea then you might be very frustrated and eager to try and identify the cause. You’re probably fed up with the burning sensation, and you’re probably tired of being embarrassed by your flushed, red face (which ironically may be making you redder!).
So, it’s good news then that there are things you can try, and that in many cases, they can be very effective at improving your skin and your health.
1. Improve Your Diet
The first thing you need to consider is whether or not you could improve your diet.
The simple fact of the matter is that many of us don’t eat as well as perhaps we know we should. This then, in turn, leaves us susceptible to a range of potential issues, such as hormone imbalances, malnutrition, obesity, oily skin, and more. Many of these problems can easily translate to a range of skin conditions, including but not limited to rosacea.
So, start thinking of ways to improve your diet. Start by cutting out the processed foods that are high in salt and sugar without adding much in the way of nutrition. Avoid refined sugars and other simple carbs that are very sweet (and which can actually irritate the skin), and try to focus on getting a good balance of nutrients.
Another key area to focus on is your gut health. Substances such as probiotic yogurt can help to encourage the existence of healthy gut ‘fauna’ which will help you to break down your food, produce more positive neurotransmitters, and strengthen your immune system. Omega 3 fatty acid is also very good for this.