You may have thought it was just a typical sore throat at first, but now you are experiencing swollen lymph glands, red spots on the roof of your mouth and a high fever. These and other symptoms are signs of strep throat which is caused by bacteria, can be debilitating and is highly contagious. Many people take antibiotics such as penicillin to treat strep throat, but it has been found that this conventional treatment can lessen the period of illness by only a half a day. Antibiotics are often blamed for killing good cells along with bacteria, and many strep throat sufferers may want alternative remedies to avoid taking antibiotics. In addition, some people have allergies to penicillin and other antibiotics. Fortunately, you can find remedies for strep throat in your supermarket, health food store, and kitchen cabinet. Feel free to experiment with the following home treatments and see which works for you. Some people use a combination of home remedies that complement each other. Since these remedies are natural and many are food-based, you may not have to be concerned about the same kind of side effects caused by conventional medicine.
1. Elderberry
The positive effect of elderberry on the throat and respiratory system has been shown in studies. Elderberry has been prized for generations for its ability to prevent illness and soothe sore throats. In a recent study, those who usually developed respiratory problems and a sore throat after flying in an airplane reported a significant lessening of symptoms after consuming elderberry. There are several ways of taking this treatment, including sprays that are available in health food stores. You may also be able to find elderberry tea or syrup, which can also be used to treat flu and bronchitis.