The expression “common cold” implies that it is something that happens to most of us once in a while. However, there is a silver lining to this dark cloud of the common cold. Since it is so widespread, there are so many tried and true remedies that are located right in your kitchen cabinet, or at least, in the supermarket.
Since these remedies are safe, natural and inexpensive, you can try several and see what works best for you. In many cases, people have to try several home remedies until they find the one or two that are perfect for them. In addition, the effectiveness of these solutions can depend on which symptoms are more dominant.
For instance, a stuffy nose and congestion can be solved by garlic or chicken soup whereas probiotics and Vitamin C can get at the root causes. Garlic and Vitamin C can also prevent colds from developing in the first place.
1. Honey
Honey has been prized since the beginning of time for its many health benefits. Honey is an antioxidant that can fight free radicals and prevent them from introducing toxins into your system. Honey can also fight infections that can result from the cold. One of the most famous healing properties of honey is its tendency to suppress coughs and ease sore throats.
In one study, children who were given honey with tea at bedtime made coughing less severe. However, be careful about giving honey to children younger than two years old. Honey is easy to add to your diet, and in the case of colds, is best combined with tea and lemon. Many singers swear by tea with honey and lemon prior to a performance for its ability to clear phlegm. You can also take honey directly for a delicious treat when you aren’t feeling well.