Peripheral neuropathy causes a person to experience pain, numbness, and weakness in the extremities. This typically occurs in the feet and the hands. The peripheral nerves send messages from the spinal cord and the brain to the entire body. When these nerves become damaged the messages being sent from the brain and spinal cord become interrupted and can affect the way the body responds to temperature, pain, as well as other reflexes.
Neuropathic pain is often a result of damage to the peripheral nerves. There are several things that can cause this type of damage including a traumatic injury, alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, and an infection. From nausea and vomiting to numbness in the extremities, the symptoms of neuropathic pain will depend on the types of nerves that have been damaged. There are several types of treatment for neuropathic pain. Here are 8 natural remedies to help reduce some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
1. Vitamins
There are some people who suffer from neuropathic pain because of a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B is very important when it comes to your nerve health. If you are suffering from a vitamin B deficiency it can cause significant damage to the nerves. Vitamin B can be consumed through your meals.
However, if you are deficient in the vitamin, your doctor will likely recommend taking a vitamin B supplement. It is important to stick to the recommended dosage so that you avoid toxicity and making the symptoms worse. Vitamin D is also helpful when it comes to preventing nerve pain.
Typically, the skin will produce vitamin D from sunlight. A vitamin D deficiency can cause a person to have neuropathy pain. Taking a vitamin D supplement can help to reduce the symptoms associated with neuropathy. Talk to your doctor about taking vitamin supplements as a way to overcome any neuropathic pain you may be experiencing.