Tenosynovitis is a painful condition that affects the wrists, feet, and hands. It affects a little over 200,000 people in the US a year alone. The reason for the pain is when there is inflammation of the tendon sheath, the muscle that connects to the bone starts to become painful.
Tenosynovitis is a treatable condition. In fact, it can be healed within a few days to weeks. If the condition isn’t too severe, it may be able to be treated with self-care methods, such as using an ice pack and taking Aleve or Advil. The common cause for tenosynovitis is repetitive movements, an infection, and injury.
When it comes to tenosynovitis, there are eight conditions are a result of this condition. Some conditions may be worse than others, but these are a few to look out for just in case of tenosynovitis suddenly pops up. Even if tenosynovitis is not too severe, it’s best to get treatment as soon as possible.
1. Difficulty moving a joint is a condition that can result in tenosynovitis.
When it’s difficult to move a joint, there is pain that is followed. It’s even worse if the pain is in both hands, feet, or wrists. That would cause someone to be unable to complete daily tasks. The inability to move came from overusing the joints when the pain first started. If the person decided to stop and seek treatment before tenosynovitis set it, he or she would still be able to move their joints.
Since it’s so difficult to move the joints, if someone was running daily through the pain, after a while the pain might catch the person when he or she is running and cause him or her to be unable to move at all. The pain in tenosynovitis is severe that it can stop a person in their tracks. Once the slightest pain is felt, it’s best to seek treatment or practice some self-care methods at home.