When you are thirsty, typically drinking some water will help to quench your thirst and make you feel better. However, there are times when no matter how much water you drink it does not ever seem like it is enough.
You drink and drink and then drink some more and you are still thirsty. This is referred to as polydipsia. Polydipsia is not a health condition, but rather a symptom of several types of diseases. The most common ailment that causes a person to experience polydipsia is diabetes.
If you have noticed that you have been extremely thirsty for several days in a row and that you cannot seem to drink enough to quench your thirst, there is a chance that you have polydipsia, which may be the result of an underlying health condition.
It is important to find out the underlying cause of the polydipsia and then you may want to try some of these natural ways to help treat the symptoms.
1. Measuring
It is important to truly consider measuring the amount of fluid that you are drinking every day and how much urine that you are producing. If you have not done this, but think that you have polydipsia, your medical professional may ask you to.
The best way to measure fluid intake is to start the day with a measured container of water and drink only from that particular container. Refill it throughout the day and note how much you have drunk after 24 hours. All other liquids such as coffee, tea, juice, etc. should be measured as well.
In order to measure the output of urine, there is a special container that can be used to collect the urine throughout the day. Your doctor will consider these numbers when trying to determine the underlying cause of your polydipsia.
For this reason, it is important to make sure that you are keeping as accurate results as possible.