Alkaline water is not just a new health fad; there is real science behind it. People drink alkaline water to restore chemical balance in the body. This science is based on the concept of PH levels. Acid and alkaline are two opposites on the scale of PH measurement. We are exposed to acids on a constant basis from environmental toxins, chemicals in our food and in our air. Alkaline counteracts this acidic exposure and promotes overall health. PH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14.
The higher the number, the higher the alkaline content. Regular drinking water measures in at 7 on the scale, whereas alkaline water is at a higher level, around 8 or 9. Alkaline water is available at grocery or health food stores, but there are ways to raise the PH levels of water in your home. You can use a device, such as an ionizer, to increase PH or add baking soda to your water. Some people prefer to use a machine to produce alkaline water. Having an alkaline water system in your home can ensure there is always an abundant supply that is convenient to use.
1. Balances PH levels
The main reason many people opt for alkaline water is to balance PH levels in the body. Maintaining this balance is essential for promoting good general health.
The body strives to create a balance of PH levels, but if it has to work too hard to achieve this, it may not have the energy to maintain optimum functioning. Alkaline takes the stress off the body and creates this balance.
Too many of the things we consume contain an unhealthy amount of acid. Fats, pollution, chemicals and other substances throw our bodies off balance, and alkaline water helps restore equilibrium.