Varicose veins is a condition that affects many if not most people when they enter their old age; this is to be expected, and you shouldn’t worry too much about your health if you are past your fifties or older and suddenly experience spider veins when you didn’t have a problem with them before.
But if you are younger and suddenly start developing a problem with spider veins, then the condition might be more than just a worry for you: You might find it interfering with your daily life, and you might find that the condition gives you a huge knock to your self confidence that you would rather be without. If this is the case, then you might want to try a natural remedy to take care of the condition instead. Here are 15 of the best natural remedies that fight varicose veins quickly and let you get back to your life.
1. Using a Foot Spa
The main cause of varicose veins apart from the fact that the lining of the arteries in the affected area will be weakning over time is the fact that you might be putting too much pressure on your feet; this could be related to the type of job you have where you might be spending hours at a time on your feet, or it might be closer related to the fact that you have an underlying condition such as high blood pressure that puts more than necessary pressure on your legs, feet and circulation.
If any of these are the case, then you will likely find that using a foot spa is one of the best things for you to take some of the pressure off your legs: It can do wonders for your levels of relaxation, and you’ll feel much better as a result. Ensure that the water doesn’t get too hot.