Cystitis may sound fancy, but it’s actually just the term that doctors use when they’re talking about a bladder that’s suffering from inflammation. In most cases, you’ll find that this inflammation is the body’s natural response to the presence of invasive pathogens. This can sometimes be a virus or even a fungus, but in the vast majority of incidences, it’s a bacterial infection.
When cystitis is caused by bacteria then it will be referred to as a urinary tract infection and can be rather annoying to deal with. The constant pain also makes this condition far harder to handle. Doctors have always said that many conditions aren’t a bother at all, but that their symptoms are what causes the real issue. That’s certainly true in this case, so, without any further adieu, here are eight common symptoms of interstitial cystitis.
1. Pain in your pelvis or between the vagina and anus in women
Pelvic pain is very hard to deal with. While one might be able to self-sooth in cases of chest pain or shoulder pain by rubbing the area, this isn’t an option with pelvic pain. While one could attempt to, it would be met with stigma and disdain. When interstitial cystitis occurs in men, the pain will often manifest around the pelvis.
In contrast, women who suffer from the condition will find that the pain will affect the region between their anus and vagina. This can make it very difficult to sit in a chair without increasing the level of pain experienced. Some doctors have even posed the theory that interstitial cystitis may be more severe in women — at least with regards to the pain level — due to the location of the affected area.