Nephrotic syndrome is caused by too much protein secreted in the urine. It is a rare condition where fewer than 200,000 cases are reported in the United States each year. With nephrotic syndrome, there is usually damage to a bunch of small blood vessels in the kidneys that filter water and waste in the blood. When a person has nephrotic syndrome the feet and ankles become swollen, which can cause other medical problems.
In order to treat nephrotic syndrome, the underlying cause of the condition has to be treated. It can cause blood clots and infections as well. In addition to the medical professional providing prescription medication, he or she will suggest a dietary plan that will prevent and help with any complications of having nephrotic syndrome. There are eight possible causes that can lead to nephrotic syndrome. It is important to know what can cause the condition just in case a person believes that he or she could possibly have it.
1. Diabetic kidney disease can lead to nephrotic syndrome because the blood vessels become damaged.
When the blood vessels in the kidneys become damaged, it leads to kidney disease. The body retains too much salt and water in the process, which causes the ankles to swell. Ankle swelling is the main cause of getting nephrotic syndrome. In order to treat the condition, the medical professional will put the person on high blood pressure medication, including angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
Both of these medications slow down the progression of the damaging of the kidneys while helping maintain the blood pressure and blood sugar. The ACE medication is the same medication used to treat nephrotic syndrome. If a person is on diabetic medication, their doctor may take them off of it and see how their body responds without it. Too much medication while dealing with diabetic kidney disease may cause other medical conditions.