{"id":973,"date":"2017-07-14T10:26:12","date_gmt":"2017-07-14T10:26:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=973"},"modified":"2021-05-13T16:38:26","modified_gmt":"2021-05-13T16:38:26","slug":"21-home-remedies-canker-sores","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/21-home-remedies-canker-sores\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Home Remedies for Canker Sores"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Canker sores are also known as mouth ulcers and as that latter moniker might suggest, these are ulcers that appear in the mouth.<\/p>\n

While mouth ulcers might not seem like a huge deal, they can actually be incredibly irritating. They have a tendency to get caught on your teeth and to hurt when you eat. This can sometimes make talking difficult or be enough to take the joy out of eating. And taking the joy out of eating is about the worst thing you can do to someone\u2026<\/p>\n

There are actually different types of canker sore. These are the \u2018simple canker sore\u2019 and the \u2018complex canker sore\u2019. They might both seem pretty simple to you though: both of them are just painful ulcers in your mouth.<\/p>\n

The difference is in the way these conditions present. A simple canker sore is likely to appear two to three times a year and will generally last up to a week. They generally last for about a week.<\/p>\n

Complex canker sores meanwhile are less common and these generally appear in those that have previously had canker sores.<\/p>\n

Although they have similarities, it is important to distinguish between canker sores and cold sores, which are not the same thing. Cold sores are caused by viruses and will appear on the outside of the mouth, usually under the nose or around the lips. Canker sores by contrast appear inside the mouth and are not caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virus.<\/p>\n

So, what does cause canker sores? The unfortunate answer is: all kinds of things! Canker sores can be caused by everything from stress, to illness, to direct trauma. In some cases, they may be the result of irritation in the mouth, or of vitamin deficiencies. In other cases, canker sores might appear to emerge for no apparent reason whatsoever. They just felt like appearing.<\/p>\n

The good news though is that there are also lots of ways you can squash a canker sore. In this post, we\u2019re going to take a look at some of those methods and you can then try using them yourself to remove the canker sore quickly and start enjoying your food again!<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Wait<\/h3>\n

Yes, the best treatment of all for canker sores<\/a> and the one that is nearly always guaranteed to work is to play the old \u2018waiting game\u2019. As mentioned, canker sores tend to be self-limiting and will go away on their own after about a week.<\/p>\n

So, while it might be very frustrating right now, it will pass in time. And before the canker sore completely goes away, it will first shrink and become a lot less angry and painful. Time is the great healer of all wounds! Well\u2026 most anyway.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Homemade Numbing Spray<\/h3>\n

You can create your own \u2018numbing spray\u2019 which will both ease the discomfort and also help to reduce swelling. Mix peppermint<\/a> and eucalyptus oil and then put them into a glass mister bottle. You can then shake and spray directly onto the sore to relieve the discomfort.<\/p>\n

This works to reduce inflammation as both these oils are anti-inflammatory, while both also have a minty fresh effect that will cool the area and numb it. Use as needed.<\/p>\n

As an added bonus, using this homemade spray will also kill off bacteria and thereby reduce the likelihood of the sore becoming infected.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Marmite<\/h3>\n

Marmite<\/a> is made using a yeast extract which is said to help with mouth ulcers based on a lot of anecdotal evidence. We are not paid by Marmite though, so why have I put Marmite here and not vegemite?<\/p>\n

The answer is that there are no studies that suggest yeast extracts can help with your ulcers and this is entirely anecdotal. In fact, some people say that using vegemite made their canker sore worse!<\/p>\n

So, what is going on? In all likelihood, Marmite\u2019s effectiveness comes from the fact that it is high in vitamin B12. Remember that ulcers are commonly a sign of a B12 deficiency! And with that in mind, this makes sense as a treatment \u2013 moreso than vegemite.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Vitamin B12<\/h3>\n

With that in mind then, it should follow that increasing your vitamin B12<\/a> through any means should work. And indeed that does seem to be the case! For fast and effective relief from canker sores, try taking a vitamin B12 supplement. This should also help you to avoid getting future canker sores by fortifying you against the causes.<\/p>\n

You can alternatively try making a kind of paste or gel from your vitamin B12 supplement and applying it to the area directly. If the problem persists, you should look for other signs of a B12 deficiency such as tingling in your extremities. If you notice these, you may need to get regular shots from your GP.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Chamomile Tea Bag<\/h3>\n

A chamomile tea<\/a> bag is actually made up of a selection of daisy-like plant products. These products are generally soothing and are very regularly used to help induce a relaxed state of mind, especially before bed.<\/p>\n

As it happens, this is partly thanks to a chemical compound found in chamomile called bisabolol, or sometimes levomenol. This compound acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and thus it can help to sooth the are and reduce the swelling.<\/p>\n

You can either try placing a lukewarm teabag directly on the canker sore, or simply drink the brew and occasionally swill it around the affected area.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Sage<\/h3>\n

Another herbal remedy for your canker sores is safe. Safe comes from the shrub Salvia officinalis. That is its official name\u2026<\/p>\n

Salvia officinalis comes the mint family of herbs<\/a> and finds its way into a range of different medicines, including homeopathic remedies. Don\u2019t let that put you off though, according to a lot of anecdotal studies it seems to be effective when used to treat ulcers. In fact, it was reportedly used for this purpose by Native Americans long before it became popular more recently.<\/p>\n

To try it for yourself, boil some water and then infuse the herb with it for around 10 minutes. Following this, swill the water and leave it with the herb in your mouth for about a minute. Then spit it out.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Coconut Oil<\/h3>\n

Coconut oil<\/a> is heralded as being useful for just about everything. Well, as it turns out it might also be useful as a treatment for canker sores thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, its soothing sensation and the fact that it is anti-microbial.<\/p>\n

Coconut oil can also be used for the hair, the skin, for shaving and for getting a boost of energy. So it\u2019s always a good idea to keep some around the house!<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Alum Powder<\/h3>\n

Sometimes it makes sense to concentrate less on trying to treat the cause of the problem and instead to focus on treating the symptoms right here and now.<\/p>\n

One home remedy that claims to be able to do this is alum powder. Alum powder is actually used for making pickles and the reason for this is that it can draw the water out of cucumber<\/a>. It actually has the precise same effect on a canker sore and thus, if you add alum powder to a canker sore, it can remove moisture from the ulcer. Seeing as canker sores are essentially sacks of fluid, this is a great way to quickly alleviate them and also give them a chance to heal.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Analgesics<\/h3>\n

Analgesics<\/a> are pain killers. Again, this isn\u2019t going to solve the problem, or completely do away with your canker sore. However, an analgesic will help to numb the pain and this will give you some relief.<\/p>\n

Don\u2019t underestimate the importance of this. Reducing pain will help to reduce your stress levels and make it easier to eat, to sleep and to enjoy yourself. All of this gives your immune system the chance it needs to fight back so that you can get back on top of the problem.<\/p>\n

And don\u2019t make the mistake of thinking that painkillers are only for headaches and stomach aches. These work by easing discomfort at the level of the brain and therefore don\u2019t discriminate against different types of pain or different causes!<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Salt Water<\/h3>\n

In most cases, a canker sore does not seem to be caused by an infection. However, in some cases it is possible that bacteria might be causing the issue and triggering inflammation in the area, just like acne<\/a>. At the same time, it is important to avoid an infection occurring that will lead to more serious symptoms. In fact, in some cases a canker \u2018attack\u2019 can be accompanied by a fever, lethargy, aches and all the signs of an infection.<\/p>\n

In that case, you might find that a saline solution helps. Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a glass of water, mix well, swill and then spit.<\/p>\n

This can help to kill off bacteria and disinfect the wound. It might also draw water out and thereby reduce puffiness. Finally, it can be soothing in its own right.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Oil Pulling<\/h3>\n

Here is an unusual but potentially effective treatment for canker sores.<\/p>\n

It is known as \u2018oil pulling\u2019 and basically it involves taking any type of oil and then swilling it back and forth in your mouth for a prolonged period. Coconut oil will work, a will olive oil or any other kind. This kills off bacteria<\/a> and can be more effective at doing this than a mouthwash while being far less harsh and astringent.<\/p>\n

If your mouth ulcer is caused by bacteria, then this will get rid of it. And if not? Then you\u2019ll at least be moisturising the area.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Garlic<\/h3>\n

Another option is to use garlic. Garlic<\/a> is once again a powerful antibacterial agent and in fact, it is shown to be more effective than some antibiotics against certain strains of multi-drug resistant bacteria.<\/p>\n

To use this, try crushing a little garlic in order to create a paste. From here, you can then apply the paste gently on the affected area.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Cayenne Pepper<\/h3>\n

Like certain other items on this list, the main objective with cayenne pepper is to numb the nerve endings and thereby reduce the discomfort caused by a canker sore \u2013 rather than necessarily trying to completely remove the issue.<\/p>\n

Cayenne pepper<\/a> is a very spicy pepper and you\u2019ll find that it can numb your entire mouth. Apply a little mixed with water in order to make a thick paste and apply directly to the area. It may sting at first and cause some irritation, but it should get to work soon once this initial effect wears off.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Aloe Vera<\/h3>\n

Aloe vera<\/a> is one of the most popular natural remedies for a wide range of different issues. It is often applied directly to the skin to treat a range of rashes, irritations and burns. The problem with most products used this way is that they can\u2019t be used internally.<\/p>\n

Fortunately, aloe is perfectly edible and so can be applied inside your mouth. Take a little on your finger and just apply to the area. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-just-about-everything-else!<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Ice<\/h3>\n

Another very simple way to treat a canker sore in the short term is to apply cold \u2013 just as you might try to treat a bruised bone or a painful joint<\/a>. And the easiest\/most obvious way to apply cold? Just take an ice cube in your mouth and then hold it against the affected area.<\/p>\n

This will numb said area and should be enough to last a little while.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Warm<\/h3>\n

Just as you can improve the sensation caused by an ulcer<\/a> using cold, you can do the same thing with warmth \u2013 especially if it is very swollen. To apply warmth to the inside of the mouth, create a warm compress and then place it against the face.<\/p>\n

An easy way to do this is to create a rice sock: fill a sock with some rice and then place in the microwave to warm.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Vitamin C<\/h3>\n

Vitamin C<\/a> will strengthen your immune system and this is often all it takes to speed up recovery. Your immune system deals with all the various different ailments that befall your body and that includes canker sores!<\/p>\n

This is especially important if you are currently going through a stressful period or if you\u2019re otherwise unwell. Surprise, surprise, this is also when you\u2019re most likely to get a canker sore!<\/p>\n

Solve the problem with a little vitamin C and vitamin D. Good sources of the former include apples, kiwi fruit and supplements.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Rest<\/h3>\n

The other way to give your immune system<\/a> is just to give it some rest.<\/p>\n

Consider this a sign from your body that you need top slow down a little and take it easy. If you\u2019re run down and that\u2019s why your canker sore appeared, then this suggests you just need to give yourself a little more time off.<\/p>\n

Clear your schedule, run a warm bath and take some \u2018you\u2019 time.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Licorice<\/h3>\n

Isn\u2019t it great when you read a treatment for a problem you have and you realize it\u2019s also delicious? That\u2019s how many will feel about licorice<\/a> which is certainly an acquired taste, but a great treat for many people.<\/p>\n

It has an unusual flavor which is a result of the various active ingredients, many of which will exert an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the affected area.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Turmeric<\/h3>\n

Turmeric<\/a> is naturally antiseptic so like garlic and oil pulling it is a useful choice if you think your problem might be caused by an infection of some sort.<\/p>\n

Turmeric is also generally good for you \u2013 it will strengthen your immune system and recent studies show that it can actually enhance brain plasticity as well!<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Eggs<\/h3>\n

Eggs<\/a> are amazing super foods, even though they are not often-enough touted as such. Not only are eggs complete sources of protein (meaning they contain all the essential amino acids) and not only are they healthy sources of saturated fats.<\/p>\n

On top of all this, they are also high in choline and vitamin B12. If you don\u2019t want to take a supplement, then eating more eggs is a great way to get the vitamin you need.<\/p>\n

Note that vitamin B12 in the diet largely comes from animal sources. So if you are a vegetarian, there\u2019s a higher chance that this is the cause of your ulcers!<\/p>\n\r\n
