{"id":794,"date":"2017-06-20T07:01:08","date_gmt":"2017-06-20T07:01:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=794"},"modified":"2021-05-13T13:17:22","modified_gmt":"2021-05-13T13:17:22","slug":"21-health-benefits-chia-seeds","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/21-health-benefits-chia-seeds\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Chia seeds are very small seeds that come from the mint family. While they look fairly innocuous and uninteresting, they are rapidly becoming more popular owing to a large number of different health benefits. For one, chia seeds are high in fiber and omega 3 fatty acid and at the same time, they have an almost magical ability to absorb fluid and hold onto it.<\/p>\n

But there are plenty of foods out there that have lots of health benefits. There are even more than right now are enjoying a lot of popularity and that have become \u2018fad foods\u2019 to an extent. The question is whether or not chia seeds can really live up to their own hype. Should you make the trip to your local health store? Or are chia seeds not really all that?<\/p>\n

In this post, we are going to examine just how useful chia seeds are and whether they really deserve the accolades. Spoiler alert: they are and they do. Prepare to be impressed by 21 different health benefits of chia seeds!<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Running<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds<\/a> have quickly become popular among runners and other long-distance endurance athletes. Why? Because new research seems to suggest that these seeds might be very useful when it comes to improving our running speed, distance and performance.<\/p>\n

The reason has to do with their ability to absorb water. Impressively, chia seeds can absorb up to 12 times their weight in water and then store it in the gut, allowing you to slowly absorb that fluid. This makes them fantastic for hydrating and means that you can get a steady supply of fluids when you need them during intensive exercise.<\/p>\n

Chia seeds came to the fore for this reason relatively recently when they were featured in the book Born to Run. This book looked at the way humans are actually designed to be long distance runners, using the Tarahumara tribe of indigenous peoples as an example. In the book, it was shown how the Tarahumara used chia seeds in order to help them run vast distances \u2013 over 435 miles in two days in some cases!<\/p>\n

Don\u2019t get it mistaken though: just eating these seeds won\u2019t guarantee you\u2019ll be able to run that fast or that far. The Tarahumara also had a few other tricks up their sleeves, including the use of barefoot running!<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Sleep<\/h3>\n

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling (and looking) rough? There are a number of reasons for this but one of the biggest culprits is dehydration<\/a>. Simply: when you\u2019ve gone all night without drinking, your body will be dehydrated and that will result in your skin appearing thinner (due to a lack of fluid retention), your head hurting and bags forming under your eyes. In fact, dehydration is even what causes morning breath: which itself is a result of not producing saliva during the night. Saliva is naturally disinfectant and is responsible for killing off the bacteria in our mouths that make us smelly!<\/p>\n

Consuming some chia seeds with some water just before bed then should help you to sleep better and to wake up feeling hydrated.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Headaches<\/h3>\n

There are many causes of headaches but one of the most common is the aforementioned dehydration. Why? It\u2019s actually quite an unpleasant thought but essentially, when your brain is low in fluids, it shrinks and contracts like a sponge. This causes it to pull away from the inside of the skull, which can result in a painful headache<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Again, chia seeds provide a useful way to stay hydrated and especially if you\u2019re prone to forgetting that you need to drink.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Cramps<\/h3>\n

Another benefit of that water-retention is that it means you can overcome cramps<\/a>. Again, this is very common during the night and once again, that is because it is caused in many cases by dehydration. Controlling our muscles involves the use of electrolytes and water and when we become dehydrated, the amount of water in our system is reduced and we can end up cramping and spasming.<\/p>\n

If you find yourself waking up in the night with cramps, then this is another sign that you perhaps need a little more fluid before you go to bed. Once again, the slow release of water that chia seeds offer makes this one of the best options going.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Fullness<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds might actually be able to help with weight loss<\/a>. They can do this by actually making you less hungry and sending signals to your brain that you are full.<\/p>\n

How does this happen? Simple: the chia seeds will absorb water and fluid and this will cause them to gain mass. That in turn can lead to a sensation of fullness in the stomach and prevent you from having hunger pangs subsequently throughout the day.<\/p>\n

If you are prone to raiding the fridge and this is making it hard for you to lose weight, then you may wish to consider eating chia seeds!<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Good Cholesterol<\/h3>\n

Cholesterol<\/a> itself is not bad for you. Rather, it is the bad \u2018LDL\u2019 (low density lipoprotein) type that is problematic. To avoid letting bad cholesterol cause you any harm, you need to eat more soluble fiber which will pass through the body and remove it. Likewise, you need to focus on increasing the amount of HDL \u2013 high density lipoprotein \u2013 which is the good kind. Chia seeds are particularly effective at increasing HDL and this means that they could also have a number of other benefits too\u2026<\/p>\n

For example, cholesterol is actually what the body uses to create testosterone!<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Stabilizing Blood Sugar<\/h3>\n

Blood sugar is getting a lot of attention in the media at the moment. That\u2019s because it is not only responsible for diabetes but also for a range of other issues. Spikes in blood sugar are largely what is responsible for feelings of hunger followed by feelings of lethargy and tiredness<\/a> for example.<\/p>\n

The good news is that you can use chia seeds in order to stabilize the blood sugar according to some studies. This means that you can use it to increase your energy efficiency and to help avoid insulin resistance.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Cell Permeability<\/h3>\n

One of the big advantages of omega 3<\/a> fatty acid is that it can increase something called \u2018cell membrane permeability\u2019.<\/p>\n

What this means, is that it can help to increase the flexibility of the cell walls \u2013 which happens because the body uses omega 3 fatty acid rather than other substances in order to build those cell walls.<\/p>\n

This is good news because that permeability can help prevent your cells from being damaged, thereby slowing the visible signs of aging and reducing the likelihood of cancer.<\/p>\n

More interestingly though, omega 3 fatty acid will help you to increase the transmission of signals between neurons and this can potentially make you more quick-witted and improve other aspects of cognitive performance. Omega 3 fatty acid is found in high quantities in oily fish like tuna and salmon, which is why those foods are often considered \u2018brain foods\u2019. It is also found in high quantities in chia seeds though, which in turn is why you should consider getting those in your diet as well!<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Inflammation<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds may also be anti-inflammatory<\/a> which is a very important and useful benefit. That\u2019s because of the omega 3 fatty acid content once again.<\/p>\n

The way this helps to reduce inflammation is by reducing the amount of omega 6 fatty acid in your body. Omega 6 fatty acid is good for you and has a number of important roles in the body, just like omega 3. However, the problem is that when you get too much of it, you get inflammation.<\/p>\n

This is an issue for many of us, seeing as the modern Western diet contains a lot more omega 6 fatty acid than 3. Omega 6 is found in a lot of processed foods because it is used as a preservative. Omega 3 on the other hand is only really found in fish, chia seeds and a few other obscure places. So eat more chia seed and you might reduce inflammation and potentially help to combat chronic pain from arthritis and other conditions.<\/p>\n

Oh and that means that omega 3\u2019s benefits for the joints have nothing to do with the oil in the fish \u2013 even though that might sound like it makes sense!<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Strengthens Bones<\/h3>\n

There are many more useful nutrients to be found in chia seeds, which makes them useful for things beyond just water retention.<\/p>\n

In particular, you\u2019ll find that chia seeds are also a good source of calcium<\/a> and phosphorous, which are useful for helping to strengthen the bones. This means that eating more chia could help you to reduce your risk of joint pain further and for athletes, it can mean reduced injury.<\/p>\n

There\u2019s more good news too: increasing these minerals will also increase your connective tissues and therefore increase your muscular strength!<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Helps Teeth<\/h3>\n

Any source of fiber like chia seeds can provide you with a useful little tooth brush as you\u2019re eating it. This is particularly true in the case of chia seeds, which you\u2019ll often eat as a kind of grainy paste.
\nBut the benefits for the
teeth<\/a> go beyond this and you\u2019ll find that the content of calcium also helps a lot. Calcium is good for strengthening bones as we know and seeing as the teeth are made of bone, it follows that it will strengthen them too!<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Iron<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds are also a good source of iron<\/a>. Two tablespoons of chia will give you 12 percent of the iron your body needs in a day and this can help to boost your red blood cell count and performance. This once again increases athletic performance, not to mention brain function by helping ensure that oxygen and blood make their way efficiently around the body to wherever they are needed.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Vitamin E<\/h3>\n

Another benefit you can get from chia seeds is vitamin E<\/a>. Vitamin E is useful for the skin and can help to fortify the skin cells from oxidative damage and this can help you to stay looking youthful for longer. Some people even recommend cracking open vitamin e capsules and applying them directly to the face!<\/p>\n

Chia seeds don\u2019t actually contain vitamin E, which might leave you wondering why I would have dedicated so much space to its merits\u2026 And that would be because chia seeds do contain selenium \u2013 an important nutrient that actually aids with the absorption of vitamin E. In fact, if you buy vitamin E in a health store, it will often come with added selenium for that very reason.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Protein<\/h3>\n

We need protein<\/a> for all manner of reasons. Specifically, we need protein because it is what the body uses to rebuild itself. We are made of protein and thus when you eat meat, your body breaks that meat down into amino acids and then uses those amino acids to create muscle tissue, brain tissue, organs and more.<\/p>\n

Getting enough protein can be hard work and especially if you are an athlete (and thus require more). Chia seeds are good news because they offer a useful way for us to get more protein in our diet without consuming meat.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Bowel Movements<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds can help with healthy bowel<\/a> movements. Being a great source of fiber, they can help to pass through your digestive tract and \u2018clear\u2019 it along the way. At the same time though, their ability to absorb fluid can also be useful. This can help to prevent constipation for example, seeing as one of the primary causes of constipation is that the stool has become dry and hard and is thus no longer able to move through the body.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Relaxation<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds also contain magnesium<\/a>, which has a range of important roles throughout the body. One of the primary roles of magnesium for instance is to help us relax and unwind. It does this by relaxing the muscles and stimulating them to release calcium, while at the same time releasing more inhibitory neurotransmitters.<\/p>\n

When you consume 100 grams of chia seeds, you get an impressive 83% of your magnesium DV and that means that you can use these are a great way to relax and unwind ready for bed.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Brain Plasticity<\/h3>\n

We\u2019ve already seen that the content of omega 3 can help to make you a little sharper. But what if I told you that chia seeds could also help you to become a better learner and to store and retrieve information more efficiently? This is very likely to be the case thanks to the inclusion of magnesium which is important for \u2018brain plasticity<\/a>\u2019.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Antioxidants<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds contain large amounts of antioxidants<\/a>, which make them useful for further protecting the cells and particularly for preventing cancerous growths and the visible signs of aging. There are actually two types of chia seeds: the dark kind and the light kind. The two have very similar nutrient contents but the black kind might just be better in terms of the antioxidant effects.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Skin<\/h3>\n

There are many different ways that chia seeds can help to improve your skin<\/a>. We\u2019ve already seen that it can improve your absorption of vitamin E for example and that it contains antioxidants and omega 3. At the same time, improved blood circulation and iron can improve your skin tone to make it more even.<\/p>\n

But better than anything is the hydration, which is absolutely crucial for radiant looking skin!<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Weight<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds help to encourage feelings of fullness and we\u2019ve already looked at how this can help with weight loss. But there are more ways that chia seeds might help you lose weight too. For example, there\u2019s the fact that they improve blood sugar levels, thereby discouraging the body from storing energy as fat. Likewise, the increased energy can also be useful for helping you to exercise more.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Energy<\/h3>\n

The combination of all these different effects: hydration, iron, calcium, sleep and omega 3 all mean that you are likely to enjoy higher energy levels if you continually eat chia seeds. Many of us struggle with low energy and start our days feeling tired and listless. If you want to feel a little more spritely, then consider adding chia seeds into the mix. They also contain B vitamins<\/a>, which will enhance this effect even further!<\/p>\n\r\n
