{"id":781,"date":"2017-06-19T08:42:10","date_gmt":"2017-06-19T08:42:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=781"},"modified":"2021-05-12T20:16:18","modified_gmt":"2021-05-12T20:16:18","slug":"21-home-remedies-dizziness","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/21-home-remedies-dizziness\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Home Remedies for Dizziness"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Feeling dizzy is a highly unsettling and unpleasant sensation. Not only can this make it difficult to stand up and potential cause the sensation of falling, but it can also lead to sickness and vomiting. The problem here is that the body will often read dizziness as a symptom of illness or infection and thus try to purge your system. Even if something else caused the dizziness \u2013 something as simple as spinning around \u2013 you might not realize this and thus you can find yourself feeling the need to run for the toilet.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, dizziness can affect anyone and can strike at any time, sometimes without warning. The good news at least is that there are a number of different ways you can treat and manage dizziness to make this more bearable. Read on and we\u2019ll take a look at 21 home remedies for dizziness that can help you to find your footing.<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Drink Water<\/h3>\n

One common cause of dizziness<\/a> is dehydration. Dehydration can occur after exercise, or simply if you\u2019ve gone a long time without drinking water \u2013 and it has been insinuated that many of us live in a chronic state of dehydration. Remember the rule \u2018seven and seven\u2019 which means seven glasses a day, each seven ounces large. This does vary depending on your size and weight however.<\/p>\n

Whatever the case, being dehydration can cause the brain to start to shrink and this in turn causes it to pull away from the inside of the skull. This is a painful feeling that can also have a number of other symptoms, including dizziness!<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Deep Breathing<\/h3>\n

There are a number of things that can cause dizziness as mentioned but among the most common is incorrect breathing. If you are breathing incorrectly, then this can result in your getting too much or not enough oxygen<\/a> to the brain. This in turn causes feelings of dizziness and being \u2018light headed\u2019.<\/p>\n

A good solution is to practice proper breathing and to do this, you need to understand what proper breathing is.<\/p>\n

In short, most of us breathe with our chests. If you put your hands on your stomach and chest and then breathe in, you may find that your chest moves first.<\/p>\n

This is wrong. In actual fact, the stomach should move first which opens up the lower portion of the lungs, allowing for a deeper draw of air inward. Focus on doing this by first relaxing the abdomen and letting the diaphragm drop into the abdominal cavity. Then let your lungs fill from the bottom upward and end by puffing the chest out as you breathe in.<\/p>\n

Count slowly as you do this, holding each breath in and out for the same amount of time.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Calm Down<\/h3>\n

So why might you be breathing incorrectly? A common cause is that you are panicking. When we\u2019re scared or stressed, our body responds by producing numerous hormones<\/a> and neurotransmitters which cause the heartrate and the breathing to accelerate, while the muscles contract and tense up. This makes you ready for action but it also means you can end up hyperventilating \u2013 breathing in too much and too quickly, thereby flooding the brain with oxygen.<\/p>\n

To solve this problem, try to stay calm. Use the breathing technique mentioned previously (this will engage the parasympathetic nervous system or \u2018rest and digest\u2019 state) and try to think calming thoughts. If you struggle with this, consider seeing a cognitive behavioural therapist who might be able to give you some useful exercises and tools to help overcome your anxiety.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Rebreathing<\/h3>\n

Another option for those that are panicking is to try rebreathing. This is a technique to try and reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and is accomplished by breathing into a brown paper bag. This way, you breathe out carbon dioxide<\/a> and then breathe that same carbon dioxide back in and recycle it. Eventually, this can help you regain an equilibrium and calm down.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Epley Manoeuver<\/h3>\n

If your dizziness has come on out of nowhere and it happens regularly, then you may be suffering with a condition called vertigo. The good news is that this form of vertigo: BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) can often be treated with simple movements.<\/p>\n

This type of vertigo is caused by calcium crystals becoming loose in the middle ear and upsetting the signals that tell you your orientation. Check with your doctor if this is the cause. Commonly, BPPV is felt when waking up and getting out of bed in the morning.<\/p>\n

If this is the cause, then step one is to identify which side the vertigo<\/a> is on. You can do this using the Dix Hallpike Manoeuver. Now, sit on the edge of the bed and turn your head 45 degrees left or right. Place a pillow underneath you and then lie down quickly with the face up and your head on the bed. Wait thirty seconds for vertigo to subside and then turn your head halfway (90 degrees) to the other direction without raising and wait for 30 seconds.<\/p>\n

Now turn the head and body on its side to that direction so that you\u2019re looking at the floor. Sit up slowly and you should have \u2018reset\u2019 your inner ear.<\/p>\n

If you struggle with these instructions, it can help to watch YouTube demonstrations!<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Ginkgo Biloba<\/h3>\n

Ginkgo biloba<\/a> is a very popular supplement for improving brain function and it might also be useful for subduing the effects of vertigo and dizziness.<\/p>\n

Get high quality product that contain 24 percent ginkgo heterosides or ginkgolisides. Begin your treatment with 250 milligrams daily and see if this can possibly help.<\/p>\n

The aim here is to increase blood flow to the brain, which some people believe can be useful at improving their vertigo symptoms.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Eat Something<\/h3>\n

Another common cause of dizziness is low blood sugar! Remember, the brain is like a powerful computer (the most powerful computer) and it needs a lot of energy<\/a> to keep running smoothly. If you haven\u2019t eaten for a long while, then you may be low in sugar and this might be causing you to feel dizzy. Other signs might be crankiness or low energy, along with shaking and anxiety.<\/p>\n

The solution of course? That would be to eat something. And for once, you should look out for things that are high in sugar and where that sugar is easy to absorb. Yes, this is a free license to go and snack on a chocolate bar.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Hold Onto Something<\/h3>\n

This is something that many of us will know to do intuitively and especially when the world is spinning after a night out with drinks.<\/p>\n

The idea of course is simply to help show your body and brain<\/a> where you are in space and where \u2018down is\u2019. This can also create the comforting feeling that you are being \u2018anchored\u2019 and it can prevent you from falling over.<\/p>\n

Remember: the brain uses a lot of different signals and inputs in order to work out where it is in space. Every now and then it can get a little confused and in those scenarios, it can be useful just to remind it slightly where you are\u2026<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Lie Down<\/h3>\n

Not only can lying down prevent you from falling over but it can also once again show you where the ground is and thus help you to feel a little more stable on your feet.<\/p>\n

Lying down has the added bonus of making it easier for your blood to reach your brain because it will no longer need to fight the effects of gravity in order to make its way up your blood vessels<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Lie down then and keep your eyes fixed on the ceiling. This can help you to gradually allow your vertigo to pass.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Look at Something<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019ve ever been car sick as a passenger, then a piece of advice you may have heard is to keep your eye on a fixed point \u2013 ideally the horizon. The aim here is of course to help you understand where things are in relation to your own body again and to help you therefore feeling a little less dizzy<\/a> and panicked.<\/p>\n

Look for a horizon and keep your eyes fixed on that. Otherwise, find a fixed point in space whether that\u2019s a door handle or a picture hanging on the wall.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Ginger<\/h3>\n

Ginger<\/a> is a popular home remedy for all kinds of different issues. It can be very useful when used to treat nausea and dizziness and this is a popular home remedy.<\/p>\n

There are a number of reasons that ginger might be useful. One is that it seems to encourage more blood flow to the brain again. Another is that it can help to settle the stomach, which can reduce feelings of sickness.<\/p>\n

It is recommended that you aim to take around 1,000mgs of ginger to treat a dizziness attack. You can also take an additional 500mgs of ginger every few hours. This is great when steeped in a tea. Just peel and great one inch of fresh ginger root, leave in boiling water for around five minutes and then remove to drink.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Lemon<\/h3>\n

There are a number of things that seem to help dizziness with no real obvious explanation. Lemon<\/a> is one such thing. Chances are that the vitamin C is useful here in increasing the feel-good hormone and natural analgesic serotonin.<\/p>\n

At the same time, lemons are also very sharp and refreshing, which might help to increase your wakefulness and even distract you from the feelings of vertigo to some extent.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Head Massage<\/h3>\n

Fancy a head massage<\/a>? Well now you have a good excuse! It appears that head massages might be useful for stimulating the flow of blood to the brain and in doing so, they may be able to help you to feel less dizzy.<\/p>\n

This works best when offered by a third party, so you now have a legit excuse to get your partner to rub your scalp while you drift off to sleep tonight.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Head Rotations<\/h3>\n

Most people will remember from highschool biology that their balance<\/a> is handled by mechanisms residing in the inner ear. This is what we technically refer to as equilibrioception and it is an important sense for making our way safely through environments.<\/p>\n

Dizziness comes from a number of different sensory organs but it\u2019s the ear that does the bulk of the work. This is handled by the vestibular nerve inside the ear canals. The semicircular canals are filled with a fluid called endolymph and cupula structure inside has thin hair cells. The fluid moves around the ear when our head moves and this brushes against the hair cells of the cupular, thereby telling us when we\u2019re moving.<\/p>\n

The utricle and saccule inside the vestibule work similarly and are likewise lined by hair cells to detect acceleration and movement in a straight line.<\/p>\n

Sometimes we can get confused about which way is up and whether or not we\u2019re moving and this is what can end up causing vertigo. Try rotating your head round a few times and you can once again \u2018rest\u2019 your brain to an extent and remind it where it should be facing\u2026<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Iron<\/h3>\n

No, I\u2019m not recommending you handle a hot iron while dizzy\u2026 rather I\u2019m suggesting that you look for more sources of iron<\/a> in your diet. Increase your intake of spinach, dried beans, lentils and more.<\/p>\n

This will help you to form more red blood cells which are the crucial types of blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients around the body \u2013 including to the brain.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Sleep<\/h3>\n

Another common cause of vertigo is very simply a lack of sleep<\/a>. If you suspect that this might be the case, then you should head to the bed and spend some time sleeping.<\/p>\n

This will help your body to clear out all kinds of things that might be causing the problem and give you time to reset.<\/p>\n

\"\"17 Neck Massage<\/h3>\n

Neck pain can sometimes cause vertigo too, in which case it will be referred to as cervical vertigo. If you have been in a car accident and experienced whiplash<\/a> in particular, then this will often lead to vertigo.<\/p>\n

The issue is that pressure is being placed on the sides of the neck by swelling, arthritis or damaged bones and this can then aggravate the nerves going up the side of the neck to the brain. A neck massage can help you to solve this issue and gently release the pressure on the neck.<\/p>\n

Likewise, a cool compress or any other method to try and reduce swelling around the neck can likewise be helpful.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Clean Your Ears<\/h3>\n

Ear infections and blocked ears will also often cause dizziness<\/a> as we\u2019ve seen how the ears are linked with a sense of balance. If you haven\u2019t been to the doctor to have your ears checked for a while, then now might be a good time to schedule a visit.<\/p>\n

They may recommend a syringe which is a little invasive and unpleasant but is also actually highly effective at restoring your hearing and your sense of balance.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Exercise<\/h3>\n

Exercises<\/a> such as rotating your head can help you to cure your vertigo in the short term as we\u2019ve seen. However, what might surprise you more is that you can also improve vertigo in the long term by exercising. This can help you to improve your sense of proprioception \u2013 which is your sense of your body in space.<\/p>\n

See a physiotherapist and they will provide you with exercises specifically designed to train your nervous system \u2013 such as contralateral exercises. They might also look at your reactions and your \u2018reflexive strength\u2019. This describes your body\u2019s ability to respond quickly to changes in orientation and can help you right yourself when you are about to fall.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Peppermint Oil<\/h3>\n

There are a number of different essential oils that are said to help treat vertigo and dizziness. Among these is peppermint oil<\/a>, which is a very refreshing and very calming oil that many people find highly therapeutic.<\/p>\n

Try burning a little of this in the room with an oil burner, or adding a few drops to your bath water.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Rest<\/h3>\n

One of the simplest and best ways to overcome vertigo is simply to rest.<\/p>\n

This is particularly important if you have been on a rollercoaster or otherwise engaging in activity that made you dizzy. The fluid in your ears might still be moving or you might be tired<\/a> or ill.<\/p>\n

Rest and you should see improvements with time.<\/p>\n\r\n
