{"id":736,"date":"2017-06-15T04:31:46","date_gmt":"2017-06-15T04:31:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=736"},"modified":"2021-05-12T19:17:21","modified_gmt":"2021-05-12T19:17:21","slug":"21-foods-cause-constipation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/21-foods-cause-constipation\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Foods That Cause Constipation"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Constipation is caused when stool builds up in the intestines and gets trapped. Often, this is the result of dehydration. When you are low on hydration, the stool becomes dried out, which makes it hard and prevents it from being able to move properly through your plumbing.<\/p>\n

More often than not then, constipation is a matter of what you don\u2019t eat. If you aren\u2019t getting enough fiber, then your stool will be overly \u2018mushy\u2019 and can end up sticking to the inside of the intestines. If you don\u2019t drink enough fluid, then you get the aforementioned problem with the dehydration. Not enough oily, fatty foods and the stool can lose any lubrication and become hard and lodged in place.<\/p>\n

But constipation can also be a matter of what you do eat. There are certain foods that are more likely than others to lead to constipation and if you\u2019re someone who is prone to the condition, then avoiding these foods could just be a smart strategy for you. In this post we will take a look at what some of these most common causes of constipation are so that you can try to avoid them and keep things moving along nicely! Likewise, these foods might make constipation worse if you\u2019re already struggling with the problem, so that\u2019s a time when you\u2019ll definitely want to avoid them!<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Bananas<\/h3>\n

Bananas<\/a> are a controversial first choice for this list. Why? Because in some ways, they can actually be good news for your constipation. That\u2019s because they contain potassium, which has the useful advantage of absorbing fluid. When the potassium makes its way into your stool, there\u2019s a good chance it could encourage it to absorb more fluid, thereby helping to make the stool softer and more likely to pass easily.<\/p>\n

So why are they on this list? Well, because an unripe banana is an issue. That\u2019s because they still have a large amount of starch, which the body has a hard time to digest. Constipation is commonly caused by bananas in the case of young infants and likewise, it can make matters worse if you are already very dehydrated.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Chewing Gum<\/h3>\n

Obviously you don\u2019t want to eat chewing gum if you\u2019re struggling with dehydration<\/a>. That\u2019s because it is indigestible and while the old wives\u2019 tale that chewing gum stays in the system for 7 years is not actually true, what is true is that chewing gum is sticky, hard and impossible to digest. And in some rare cases, it can end up attaching lots of other unwanted substances such as seeds and fiber. This in turn may end up blocking the digestive tract. So in short, keep chewing gum in your mouth and don\u2019t swallow!<\/p>\n

Oh, and you should also avoid chewing gum if you have a sensitive stomach even when you don\u2019t intend on swallowing it. That\u2019s because the very act of chewing makes the body think that it is about to get fed and thus it causes it to produce stomach acids to aid with digestion. This can be damaging to the lining of the stomach if no food then follows.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Milk<\/h3>\n

Milk<\/a> is not a problem for most people but those with a lactose intolerance should certainly stay away from it. That\u2019s because lactose intolerance is caused by an inability to produce lactase, which in turn prevents you from being able to break down and digest lactose. This causes lactose to build up inside the intestines where it can give off gas, leading to stomach upsets, wind and yes \u2013 constipation.<\/p>\n

This is actually very common, with anything from 70-90% of the population of Earth suffering from the condition (depending on which reports you believe). But what is important to recognize is that the majority of these people are based outside of the US. There is actually a big racial difference here, with those with African American and Asian descent being far more likely to experience the intolerance.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Cheese<\/h3>\n

That\u2019s right: if you suffer from lactose intolerance<\/a> then of course you need to rule out all forms of dairy which also includes cheese.<\/p>\n

As I said a moment ago, this condition is less common than many believe in the US and if you aren\u2019t lactose intolerant, there is no reason to avoid milk (even though it\u2019s quite trendy to do so at the moment!). Either way, this problem can often go undiagnosed for a long time however, which is why it can be useful to keep a food\/constipation diary. Keep track of what you eat and when you experience the discomfort. You might be able to this way identify certain foods that are responsible, such as milk.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Gluten<\/h3>\n

Speaking of \u2018trendy\u2019 foods to dislike, gluten<\/a> is another that is fine for most people and yet is still \u2018cool to avoid\u2019.<\/p>\n

Once again, while this is unlikely to cause problems in healthy individuals, there are still cases where people suffer with gluten intolerance without it being diagnosed. If you suffer from celiac disease then in all likelihood you will know about it: this condition can prevent you from properly absorbing nutrients and causes significant digestive distress.<\/p>\n

However, if you have a mild intolerance then you might find that your digestion is affected only slightly, leading to problems like gas and constipation.<\/p>\n

Try to avoid foods like wheat, rye and barley for a short time and see if this solves the problem.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Caffeine<\/h3>\n

Caffeine<\/a> is actually a diuretic, which means it can be effective in helping you to empty your bowels. If all goes well, caffeine will encourage urgency and keep you running to the toilet to \u2018void\u2019.<\/p>\n

But at the same time, there is a darker side to caffeine \u2013 which is that it makes you more dehydrated. As a diuretic, caffeine will also make you urinate more often and as you do this, it can lead to more dehydration. In extreme case you may expel fluids quicker than you can take them in, resulting in your stool becoming dried out along with the rest of your body.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Alcohol<\/h3>\n

Speaking of drinks that actually dehydrate you, alcohol<\/a> is similarly complex. On the one hand, alcohol will relax your muscles which will include muscles around the bowels and that can make you more likely to relieve yourself.<\/p>\n

But again, because alcohol dries you out, this can leave your stool harder and more difficult to pass through your intestines. And as we\u2019ll see in a moment, some alcohol is more guilty of these problems than others.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Beer<\/h3>\n

If you must go out drinking and you\u2019re someone who is prone to constipation<\/a>, which drink should you pick?<\/p>\n

Ideally, pick a spirit and drink it with a mixer. This way, you\u2019re still hydrating yourself with a fluid which will help to counteract some of the negative impacts of the alcohol. At the same time though, you\u2019ll also be avoiding one of the worse culprits: beer.<\/p>\n

Problem is, beer is full of gas which can cause you to get trapped wind. This combined with constipation can result in a lot of discomfort and pain.<\/p>\n

Worst is that the yeast in your body can prevent you from properly absorbing the little water that you do get from the beer. Many of us are familiar with the morning \u2018beer poo\u2019 after a night in the pub and while this eventually brings relief, this just isn\u2019t healthy for your stomach.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Yogurt<\/h3>\n

The problem with yogurt is that it contains lactose, which as we\u2019ve seen may be a problem for some people.<\/p>\n

This is a shame because in all other respects, yogurt can be a useful remedy. Not only is yogurt<\/a> soft and hydrating but it also contains live cultures of friendly bacteria. These can aid in the digestion of food by breaking it down for sugar and by releasing useful digestive enzymes.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0White Rice<\/h3>\n

White rice<\/a> is a problem, whereas brown rice can be a useful source of fiber. The issue with white rice is that the husk, bran and germ have all been removed \u2013 which is specifically where the nutrients and the fiber is found. Brown rice is a great source of whole grain offering about 3.5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein from a single cup. White rice on the other hand is nothing but stodge, starch and mass.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0White Pasta<\/h3>\n

Similarly, white pasta<\/a> is just brown pasta with all the goodness removed. Once again, this results in a starchy, gloopy mess that is difficult to absorb and especially when consumed in large quantities.<\/p>\n

Want to make white pasta a little more palatable for your intestines? A useful trick that not many people know about, is that you can cook pasta, allow it to cool and then reheat it. This alters the chemical composition and it actually makes it easier to absorb and better in terms of the GI value \u2013 meaning it will release its sugar and energy more slowly, preventing a spike in blood sugar.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Persimmon<\/h3>\n

This is an Asian fruit that is a little less known in the US. But if you\u2019ve decided to try one out for the first time and now you find yourself clutching your stomach\u2026 mystery solved! In most case, sweet persimmons<\/a> will be alright but the more astringent ones contain large amounts of tannin acid, which slows the movement of food through the intestines and thus can actually aggravate constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Red Meat<\/h3>\n

Red meat<\/a> is famously tough to absorb and can be a cause of not only constipation but also indigestion, heart burn and a number of other digestive issues. The problem is that it contains a lot of protein \u2013 which already takes energy to absorb \u2013 a lot of fat which is slower to absorb and lots of sinew and gristle. In fact, this is one of the reasons that many vegetarians claim that opted to give up meat in the first place!<\/p>\n

Which is a shame, because red meat has a lot of good in it too being a great source of protein and of goodness like CoEnzyme Q10, creatine and PQQ.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0White Bread<\/h3>\n

We\u2019ve had white pasta and white rice, now it\u2019s time to focus on white bread<\/a>. This is not only a source of gluten \u2013 an issue for those with intolerance \u2013 but it\u2019s also another source of stodgy carbohydrates that are a source of fiber-less flour and starch.<\/p>\n

Whole grains are always better because they allow the mass to be more easily broken up. Anything that is chewy and sticky when in the mouth is going to be the exact same once it reaches the intestines.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Potato<\/h3>\n

Have you ever eaten a new potato or a rest potato and felt is slide painfully down your food pipe? This is a sign of how difficult to break up potatoes<\/a> can be. And this is why they can be just as difficult to pass the other end.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re going to eat potato, then the good news is that you can pick a jacket potato which provides an excellent source of fiber to help break things up down below. In fact, eating a source of fiber with any source of carbohydrates is always a good idea.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Chocolate<\/h3>\n

Oh no\u2026 not chocolate!<\/p>\n

Et tu, chocolate<\/a>?<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, chocolate should also be considered off-limits for those with constipation issues. This is because there\u2019s a large amount of fat in chocolate which slows down the digestion process, although there might be more at play too. In one study, it was found that chocolate was one of the most common causes of constipation.<\/p>\n

Switch to ice cream instead\u2026<\/p>\n

As long as you\u2019re not lactose intolerant that is\u2026<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Supplements and Medications<\/h3>\n

It is always important to make sure that you check the potential side effects and risk factors when taking any new course of medication or supplements<\/a>. This is because many will list constipation among their potential issues. Supplements can help you to get extra minerals and vitamins, however certain minerals such as iron can actually make constipation worse when you get too much. And not only that, but some medications such as coagulants can thicken you up down below.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Fast Food<\/h3>\n

First alcohol, then chocolate\u2026 it seems as though all your guilty pleasures are becoming off-limits thanks to their ability to cause constipation!<\/p>\n

And unfortunately, this is also true for fast food. Not only is fast food rich in salt<\/a> which is dehydrating (and actually responsible for creating a \u2018puffy look\u2019 around the eyes and stomach) but it\u2019s also a source of lots of simple carbs, loads of starch and the very worst bits of red meat. Add in some chips (potato) and some cheese and you have a recipe for absolute disaster \u2013 especially if you opt to down it with some coffee.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Baked Goods<\/h3>\n

When you next bake yourself a cake or a cupcake, pay attention to what is going into it. Likewise for bread.<\/p>\n

You\u2019ll probably notice that you\u2019re adding large amounts of flour, large amounts of butter (fat) and large amounts of sugar<\/a>. Then there\u2019s the milk and you pretty much have a recipe for constipation (which Mary Berry has so far left out of her books).<\/p>\n

There are ways you can mitigate this problem if you\u2019re baking yourself \u2013 by choosing things like vegetable shortening or whole grain flour. But on the whole, baked goods are not great for constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Processed Foods<\/h3>\n

Processed foods are no better than fast foods<\/a>. Again, these are foods that often contain large amounts of starch and large amounts of red meat. They\u2019re then covered with fat to add extra flavor, along with salt and then sugar.<\/p>\n

There\u2019s very little fiber in your average processed food and all the important and useful nutrients have been removed. In short, this is a recipe for constipation and if you keep it up\u2026 malnutrition!<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Fizzy Drinks<\/h3>\n

Finally, if you drink large amounts of Coca-Cola, 7Up or other soda drinks<\/a>, you\u2019ll find this can further harm your digestion and your intestines. While this is a source of hydration, there is also a ton of sugar here which can cause inflammation and other issues. Not only that, but soda drinks are likely to cause gas and bloating which can make the problems you\u2019re facing worse.<\/p>\n

Moreover, soda drinks aren\u2019t as hydrating as water. Water is the number one cure for constipation so swap your glass for that instead!<\/p>\n\r\n
