{"id":5434,"date":"2019-04-11T11:46:22","date_gmt":"2019-04-11T11:46:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=5434"},"modified":"2021-06-02T12:44:12","modified_gmt":"2021-06-02T12:44:12","slug":"14-early-signs-of-osteosarcoma","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/14-early-signs-of-osteosarcoma\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Early Signs of Osteosarcoma"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer, and it\u2019s the most common type of cancer to occur in children and people under 25 \u2013 although it\u2019s seen with increasing frequency in adults, too. Symptoms of having developed osteosarcoma can include impaired movement where the tumors have attached themselves to the bone, tumors that be felt under the skin, a lowered immune system and an increased proneness to both breaks and fractures.

Like is the case with the majority of different cancers, it\u2019s one that\u2019s best diagnosed early on \u2013 and you should be looking out for any of the potential signs and symptoms when it comes to your health. It\u2019s important to make an appoint with your doctor for the proper tests the moment you spot any potential symptoms of the condition at all \u2013 even if it\u2019s not osteosarcoma, it can still point to other serious conditions.

Here are 8 early signs of osteosarcoma to look out for.

1. Pain While Exercising<\/strong>

One of the most common symptoms that are reported by people who have been diagnosed with osteosarcoma (particularly in the case of younger and more active people) is the fact that they started experiencing sudden pain while exercising where they normally were fine before.

This pain during exercise often gets so bad that the exercise can\u2019t continue, and it\u2019s a type of pain that appears to be radiating through from the bone \u2013 in this case, the best course of action is to stop all forms of exercise <\/a>that can put more strain on the body than is necessary, and make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible so that they can order the proper tests to diagnose which condition might be causing your symptoms.

It\u2019s important for your health that you stop with any exercise immediately. With continued exercise, you risk serious injury that can include bone fractures and breaks.


2. Pain at Night<\/strong>

Radiating bone pain is one of the other most common symptoms reported by people who have been diagnosed with osteosarcoma; because of the way that cancer affects the bone, it\u2019s one of the places in which the cancer <\/a>can be felt the most \u2013 and any type of pain that doesn\u2019t go away should always warrant you to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible, especially if you are showing any of the other early signs or symptoms of the condition and especially if this has been going for some time.

Many diagnosed cases of osteosarcoma have reported that the characteristic pain is more common to affect them during nighttime: Pay attention to any cycles of pain, too, and report this to your doctor during your appointment \u2013 it could help them towards the right direction when diagnosing and testing for your condition, so be thorough where possible.


3. Fever<\/strong>

Developing a fever is the body\u2019s natural response to infections, viruses and pathogens; it\u2019s the body\u2019s way of trying to turn the body into an environment where pathogens<\/a> can\u2019t survive \u2013 though in response a fever can make one feel absolutely awful, and a fever can also put far too much strain on the body and might even increase your risk of heart failure if your heart is put under too much pressure while you\u2019re sick.

Fever still serves a useful purpose for the body at the same time, and a fever can indicate that there is something else wrong with your health that needs to be addressed \u2013 and if you experience it together with any of the other symptoms that have been mentioned on this list, you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor so that the proper tests can be ordered. Even when it\u2019s not osteosarcoma, it can still point to a serious condition.


4. Lowered Immune System<\/strong>

Your body\u2019s immune system<\/a> is what makes sure that you don\u2019t get the flu of the season every single season, and there are a thousand possible things that can give your immune system an unnecessary knock \u2013 sometimes it\u2019s just due to stress, while other times you might be following the wrong diet and it\u2019s down to what\u2019s been making you sick. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

At the same time, there might be times where your immune system will be compromised for a long period of time \u2013 and if things aren\u2019t getting better, it can be an immediate sign that you should be seeing your doctor.

A long-term lowered immune system will almost always indicate an underlying condition of some sort, and you should consider osteosarcoma as a potential cause if you have been experiencing this symptom together with any of the other symptoms or early signs on this list in combination with one another.


5. Radiating Bone Pain<\/strong>

Radiating pain in the bone <\/a>should always be considered a very serious medical issue, especially if it\u2019s a symptom that can be combined with any of the other symptoms on this list \u2013 especially a long-term fever and lowered immune system. There are a few different conditions which might be causing this, although it\u2019s almost always from a range of conditions that affect the bone and cause degradation of some sort \u2013 the same type of pain is common with a bone infection, although it might not be present with tumors.

If you experience any kind of symptom such as radiating pain in the bone (especially at night or during exercise, or as a long-term problem) you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to find the root cause of the condition. If it\u2019s a type of infection, it needs to be treated as soon as possible \u2013 and the same is true with most types of cancers, which can be treated early.


6. Increased Bruising<\/strong>

Increased bruising <\/a>should be considered a very serious symptom, even if you can\u2019t combine it with any of the other symptoms that are mentioned on this list; because of the fact that increased bruising can be associated with a range of other serious health conditions, even when it\u2019s not osteosarcoma, it could be a potential sign of something else.

Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any increased frequency to bruise, experience radiating pain in the bones or have a fever (or generally lowered immune system) for what feels like longer than it should be. The same is true for most of the symptoms mentioned on this list, and this is because the majority of cancers (including osteosarcoma) are all best treated when they\u2019re spotted early

Increased bruising also means you should take care to avoid instances of potential clotting, and you might have to avoid any type of blood thinners such as alcohol or aspirin entirely.


7. Changes in Movement<\/strong>

Osteosarcoma is a type of cancer which affects the bone, and with this there might be the formation of tumors <\/a>directly on the bone that can usually be felt through the skin; there are a range of different symptoms that you will experience alongside the tumors themselves, including a fever and lowered immune system \u2013 but you might also notice that you have impaired movement, much like in the case of having developed arthritis or similar conditions which can seriously affect the bone.

The movement is most often impaired in the affected joint or limb, and you may or may not feel an outside lump. The best course of action here is to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you\u2019ve spotted the onset of the first symptoms \u2013 and in this case, whether or not you\u2019re able to combine several of the symptoms on this list with one another.


8. Skin Irritation and Swelling<\/strong>

The appearance of a physical tumor isn\u2019t the only early sign that you should be looking out for in combination with the other ones that have been mentioned on this list; sometimes there can also be irritation and swelling <\/a>around the area where the tumor is located, and you may or may not experience pain around the area at the same time. This skin irritation and swelling isn\u2019t a sure sign of cancer, and it can sometimes be a local allergic reaction \u2013 but if you can combine it with other symptoms on this list, then an appointment with your doctor to find the root cause of the symptom should be your very next step.

Skin irritation and swelling aren\u2019t one of the most common early signs, but it can happen in a large enough section of cases for it to be important \u2013 and you should know to report any sudden changes in your health to your doctor as soon as you can.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n
