{"id":5093,"date":"2019-03-20T08:40:28","date_gmt":"2019-03-20T08:40:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=5093"},"modified":"2021-05-31T20:40:31","modified_gmt":"2021-05-31T20:40:31","slug":"10-essential-facts-about-tenosynovitis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/10-essential-facts-about-tenosynovitis\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Essential Facts About Tenosynovitis"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Tenosynovitis is a health condition that causes bacterial inflammation of the tendons in the fingers or hands; it\u2019s a more common condition than you might have thought before, and it can occur in as many as 9.4% of overall infections that occur in the hand.

It\u2019s a form of bacterial arthritis, and it can sometimes be spread through a bacterial infection entering the skin at the same time as an injury to the finger or hand; it can also be caused by infections elsewhere in the body that make their way through to the hands and start to cause the first symptoms of tenosynovitis, which can include severe pain and swelling.

Usually the condition is easy to treat with a strict round of antibiotics, though more extreme cases require surgery, and might even sometimes require amputation of necrotic tissue.

Here are 8 essential facts that you should know about tenosynovitis.

1. It\u2019s a Common Condition<\/strong>

Even though you might never have heard of tenosynovitis before, it\u2019s a common type of bacterial inflammation <\/a>in the tendons of the hand, and statistics say that it might occur in as much as 9.4% of all hand infections; sometimes this can be an infection that starts somewhere else in the body and then makes its way through to the hand, and other times it can be because of an infection that enters the hand through other means.

Pain and swelling are the first symptoms of tenosynovitis, although other symptoms might also be experienced together with these \u2013 and further symptoms can include a high fever and necrosis of surrounding tissue in very extreme, usually untreated long-term cases.

Any injuries or infections can put you at an increased risk of developing the condition, and any sudden changes in your health should be reported to your doctor as soon as they occur.


2. Common After Trauma<\/strong>

Tenosynovitis <\/a>is a condition that is very commonly seen after some type of trauma happens to the hand; this can be any type of physical injury, and it might happen in any number of ways depending on how you originally strain the hand. You might pick up something the wrong way and pull a tendon in the hand, or someone might throw an object in your direction and a missed catch leads to an injured tendon \u2013 in any event that could have strained the tendon, tenosynovitis is a common condition.

There does not have to be an open cut on the hand for someone to develop tenosynovitis: The infection can also sometimes travel from another part of the body to the hand, and the first symptoms of the condition will start to show as soon as the infection has made its way there. Usually no other cause can be found.


3. It\u2019s a Type of Infectious Arthritis<\/strong>

Tenosynovitis is a type of infectious arthritis<\/a>; the majority types of arthritis are caused by simple injury of the hand where there is no bacterial element present, and many other cases of arthritis are caused by injuries or a chronic element and family history of the condition \u2013 but bacterial arthritis is instead inflammation of the tendons and joints in the hand caused by bacteria instead.

There are several different types of bacteria that can potentially cause tenosynovitis to occur, although the most common of the possible bacteria is a simple staph-infection \u2013 and yes, tenovitis is a condition that can be spread from one person to the next, and your risk of contracting the condition will be increased if you are sexually active and having unprotected sex.

Tenosynovitis can be treated with rest and anti-inflammatory medication, although there have been extreme cases where these treatments did not achieve the desired results.


4. Tissue Necrosis Can Set In<\/strong>

Most cases of tenosynovitis can be treated with rest and the right type of medication <\/a>taken for the right amount of time; your doctor should be able to recommend the right treatment for your individual condition \u2013 and it\u2019s ideal that the condition is caught early in the onset process. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Letting tenosynovitis go for too long can lead to a range of other health complications that arise as a result of the original illness, and these can include everything from arthritis as a chronic condition, carpal tunnel syndrome or necrosis of surrounding tissue.

The potential of tissue necrosis associated with long-term tenosynovitis presents a special danger to sufferers and means that the condition should be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid risking amputation or the infection starting to travel to other parts of the body, where it can cause the same symptoms and lead to potentially fatal others.


5. Animal Bites Can Cause It<\/strong>

There are various types of bacteria that can cause the bacterial infection behind tenosynovitis; just because your average staph infection <\/a>that usually enters through the skin (or travels to the infection site from another part of the body) is known to cause the majority cases of tenosynoovitis doesn\u2019t mean it\u2019s the only type of bacteria that can cause it.

Just one of the many types of bacteria that can potentially cause the condition includes  Mycobacterium marinum, one that\u2019s commonly found in water \u2013 and there are also sometimes pathogens in animal bites that can trigger the same condition.

If you\u2019re bitten by any animal, regardless of whether or not you know the animal\u2019s medical history, clean the wound properly and make an appointment with your doctor if you experience any of the associated symptoms that might be associated with conditions like tenosynovitis or any conditions that might be associated with it.


6. Enters Through the Skin<\/strong>

There are several different types of ways in which the bacterial infection causing tenosynovitis can enter the body, although one of the most common ways in which this is known to happen is through the skin; usually this has to happen through some combination of trauma <\/a>to the hands or fingers happening at the same time as exposure to a bacterial infection that can cause the infection in the hand.

Usually the infection will enter through the skin, and the first symptoms of the disorder will start to show a few minutes to a few hours after exposure to the bacteria \u2013 from here on, other symptoms will develop in the hours after this, and can get progressively worse until the disease has reached a more advanced stage that might require surgery or amputation to repair due to the long-term damage caused.

See your doctor with the first symptoms you notice.


7. Fever Can Be a Symptom<\/strong>

Fever <\/a>can be one of the potential symptoms most commonly associated with tenosynovitis, but it\u2019s true that it doesn\u2019t occur in all of the reported cases \u2013 and might not occur in yours. Because of this reason, it\u2019s a good idea for you to see your doctor as soon as you\u2019ve spotted any of the potential symptoms of the condition or feel that something is somehow \u201coff\u201d with your health \u2013 even if you aren\u2019t showing all of the symptoms.

Why is fever common? It\u2019s your body\u2019s reaction to an infection, and it\u2019s the body\u2019s attempt to create conditions in which the infection can\u2019t house itself within the body \u2013 but the effects accompanying a fever can be greatly damaging to the body, and a fever should always be treated symptomatically when it appears and reported to your doctor immediately if the condition gets any worse or stays the same for several hours.


8. Extreme Cases Need Surgery<\/strong>

Most cases of tenosynovitis can be fixed with a few adaptations to just how much pressure the fingers and hands are taking for the recovery period, and in the majority of cases, antibiotics<\/a> will be prescribed in order to take care of the bacterial infection that\u2019s causing the inflammation. Together with this, other treatments might be recommended if you want to lessen the impact that the symptoms have on the rest of your health \u2013 and this is usually enough to heal the condition entirely if strain is kept off the affected tendons for long enough.

But this isn\u2019t always enough to heal the condition, and in extreme cases surgery or amputation might be necessary if you want to take care of the damage that has been caused by the condition. Luckily, most cases can be treated before they reach this point: Contact your doctor should you suspect a tenosynovitis infection.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n
