{"id":4983,"date":"2019-03-14T08:57:05","date_gmt":"2019-03-14T08:57:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=4983"},"modified":"2021-05-28T17:07:54","modified_gmt":"2021-05-28T17:07:54","slug":"10-ways-to-get-rid-of-thrush-on-tongue-naturally%ef%bb%bf","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/10-ways-to-get-rid-of-thrush-on-tongue-naturally%ef%bb%bf\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Ways to Get Rid of Thrush on Tongue Naturally\ufeff"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Thrush is a common condition that causes a characteristic white rash that appears on the tongue, on the inside of the mouth, and sometimes at the back of the throat; it\u2019s caused by a bacterial infection, and usually appears in cases of a lowered immune system due to an immunity-compromising health condition or recovering from a recent illness, although there can be many other potential causes of contracting thrush.

It\u2019s so common that the majority of people will contract oral thrush at least once in their lifetime, although for some people it might become a chronic and recurring condition depending on which factors or conditions are causing it. Thrush is usually treated with antibiotics or topically applied oral creams, but there are many ways to naturally get rid of thrush appearing on the tongue.

Here are 8 great and proven ways to get rid of thrush on the tongue naturally.

1. Drinking-Water<\/strong>

Drinking water <\/a>can be one of the best possible natural ways to get rid of thrush on the tongue. Everyone knows that it\u2019s a good idea to stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day, but that\u2019s not the only thing that water has the potential to do for your body; water also has a great cleansing effect, which is great when you\u2019re trying to keep the body free of any infections, especially oral thrush.

The use of certain chronic medications like asthma inhalers can also be a common cause of developing thrush as a repeated condition, and drinking water is also the most common treatment recommended for eliminating the residue at the back of the throat that\u2019s prone to give rise to a thrush infection; usually, just a glass of water taken with the medication is enough to stop the residue causing thrush.


2. Scraping the Tongue<\/strong>

Plaque <\/a>and oral thrush are two conditions that are known for going hand-in-hand, and they often occur together; in these cases, the thrush might also cause the impact of plaque on the tongue, and this can lead to a range of other different symptoms that are associated with it including halitosis and earlier-onset tooth decay.

Physically scraping the tongue on a regular basis with a soft motion is the best way to get rid of this impacting plaque, and it can be a great way of reducing the instances of oral thrush; follow this up with a decent antibacterial mouthwash to ensure that you\u2019re achieving the maximum possible effect to eliminate conditions like thrush.

There are many toothbrushes that have a rough back-edge designed for the purpose of scraping the tongue \u2013 most people just aren\u2019t aware that it\u2019s what the back of their toothbrush was designed for, to begin with.


3. Alcohol Mouth-Wash<\/strong>

Mouth wash is a great way to achieve generally better oral hygiene<\/a>, and it\u2019s a recommended step that most dentists would say you should include in your daily routine even if you don\u2019t have any recurring instances of oral thrush; taking care of your dental health properly ensures that you don\u2019t develop any later problems such as tooth decay or thrush either.

Avoid any type of mouth wash that might contain sugar as part of the ingredients list; these can aggravate conditions such as oral thrush. If you have the time to make things yourself instead, a simple mouth wash can be made at home by combining a type of clear alcohol such as vodka with essential herbs such as mint.

The mouth wash made at home can do the same job as over-the-counter products, except for the main difference that you can adapt it to suit your own needs.


4. Simple Saline<\/strong>

Some of the factors that can contribute to the thriving of oral thrush in the mouth are factors like plaque and the internal conditions that are going on inside the mouth; it\u2019s far too small to see, but you should know that your mouth is home to a lot of bacteria \u2013 and if these bacteria aren\u2019t as healthy and happy as they should be it\u2019s likely that conditions such as mouth infections and oral thrush can become recurring ones.

Salt is one of the cleanest substances that we know about, and a simple saline <\/a>solution can be one of the best possible additions to your daily oral health routine, especially if you struggle with a recurrence of health conditions such as oral thrush.

Gargle with a solution of saltwater every day to greatly reduce your chances of contracting mouth infections, tooth decay, gum disease, and associated conditions like oral thrush.


5. Restoring Flora<\/strong>

Just like the gut, the mouth is home to a lot of different forms of bacteria \u2013 some are meant to be there to aid digestion and other processes, while other forms of bacteria can be considered to be imposters in the body and are the ones that cause conditions such as tooth decay and oral thrush<\/a>.

If the imbalance of the healthy bacteria in your mouth isn\u2019t what it should be, then you are automatically at an increased risk of developing conditions such as thrush and gum disease \u2013 and these conditions might become recurring for as long as this imbalance remains.

Adapt your oral health routine, change your diet to include less acidic and sugary components, and consume plenty of healthy, good flora to keep your mouth in good condition. Brushing the teeth too much can also sometimes help to aggravate an imbalance of flora that occurs in the mouth.


6. Changing Your Habits<\/strong>

Changing your habits can be one of the best ways in which you can naturally help to restrict the environment in which oral thrush grows; a lot of people don\u2019t realize just how much their daily habits (that are usually bad one) impact their health and the continuous cycle of these bad habits can have a massive impact on your immune system<\/a> and how healthy you are.

There are many different types of habits that can make you more likely to contract oral thrush; most of these habits are related to oral health, such as not sharing your toothbrush with anyone else and replacing your brush at least once every few weeks. Other habits can also help to restrict the growth of oral thrush \u2013 including a decent mouth wash in your daily routine and drink a glass of water if you take any type of regular medication like for asthma.


7. Increase the Immunity<\/strong>

Your immune system is the body\u2019s first line of defense against many viruses, infections, and pathogens <\/a>that your body encounters every day. If you were to imagine two different people with varying immune systems and put them in the same situation where they are exposed to thrush, it\u2019s not guaranteed that both of these people will pick up the infection \u2013 in this theoretical situation, only the person with the lowered immunity would contract the condition.

If your immune system isn\u2019t functioning the way that it should, then you will be more likely to pick up infections and viruses when you are exposed to them, and the same is true for thrush.

You can increase your immune system through natural means by following a healthy diet, including supplements in your routine, and getting enough sleep. If you\u2019re still getting sick more often than you should, make an appointment with your doctor.


8. Clean Everything<\/strong>

Thrush is a condition caused primarily by specific types of bacteria<\/a>, and you could be exposed to this by sharing anything that has been contaminated with the bacteria; one of the best possible natural ways to ensure that you don\u2019t get sick, or create an accidental breeding ground for pathogens is to clean your living environment as best you can.

Make use of cleaners that do the job well, such as bleach \u2013 or if you want a more natural option that does the same job and won\u2019t cause any irritation, mix vinegar, salt, lemon juice, and water for your most basic cleaning needs.

Keeping everything around you as clean as you can is the best possible strategy to ensure that you don\u2019t let any pathogens into your environment when your body can\u2019t afford to. Remember that this includes hard-to-clean areas that you might not have thought about as important.
