{"id":406,"date":"2017-06-01T04:40:57","date_gmt":"2017-06-01T04:40:57","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=406"},"modified":"2021-05-11T15:45:32","modified_gmt":"2021-05-11T15:45:32","slug":"21-home-remedies-constipation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/21-home-remedies-constipation\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Home Remedies for Constipation"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Constipation is a highly uncomfortable and painful experience. Not only does constipation cause significant stomach pain but it also makes us feel the constant urge to go to the toilet with no relief. When you finally do manage to go, that can create a whole other different kind of pain.<\/p>\n

Constipation is caused by a lot of things but the main issue is usually that the stool has become dry, tough and large. This might be due to dehydration and a lack of fluids in the diets, resulting in the stool becoming harder and less able to change shape and move through the bowels. At the same time though, it can also be caused by a lack of insoluble fiber which passes undigested through the body and can thereby break down constipation and encourage it to move on.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s also important to consider the role of the muscles in constipation which are responsible for pushing stool through the system and encouraging its ultimate elimination. With all this in mind, there are fortunately a number of different things that you can do to help get over constipation and to get everything working the way it should again. Consider these solutions and hopefully you\u2019ll be back to your usual scheduling in no time!<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Water<\/h3>\n

Water<\/a> is the single most important thing you need to get more of if you want to eliminate constipation. That\u2019s because, as we\u2019ve already discussed, the main cause of constipation is dehydration. And in fact, many of us go through life in a state of chronic dehydration which has many symptoms besides just constipation.<\/p>\n

Drink more water and it will dilute the stool, helping it to break up and flow more normally. It will also aid in your production of crucial digestive enzymes and will even lubricate the tubes that your stool needs to pass through.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Go Regularly<\/h3>\n

One of the reasons that you can get constipation<\/a> in the first place is if you don\u2019t go to the toilet enough. Ever held onto a number two because you\u2019re embarrassed to go in public? Or because you want to watch the rest of your favorite show?<\/p>\n

Well you should stop doing that! This causes the moisture and fluid from the stool to be absorbed into the intestines and when that happens, it becomes harder and firmer as though you were dehydrated. So when you need to go\u2026 go! Take it for granted and you might just lose that luxury.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Prunes<\/h3>\n

Prunes<\/a> are one of the most powerful options if you want to relieve your constipation. That\u2019s because they are high in fiber, which means they\u2019ll help to break up the stool and push it through.<\/p>\n

Fiber literally travels through the bowels in the form you found it, meaning that it can act like tiny bullets and shoot through the unwanted barricade!<\/p>\n

More importantly though, it also contains sorbitol. Now sorbitol is a substance that actively draws in water and absorbs it. So if prunes make their way into your colon, they\u2019ll then encourage the stool to absorb more fluids and thereby become better lubricated and more likely to pass through your body.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Bananas<\/h3>\n

Talking of drawing in water, bananas<\/a> are also very good for this job as they help to give you more potassium in your diet. Just like sorbitol, potassium is able to increase the absorption of water, thereby helping to break down and dilute the stool.<\/p>\n

Bananas are also soft and easy to digest and pass on their own, meaning that they\u2019re not going to add to your issues!<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Vitamin A<\/h3>\n

There are many good sources of vitamin A<\/a>, whether you decide to get yours from carrots (which incidentally, are also a good source of fiber) or you decide to supplement with it. Vitamin A is useful because it can act as a digestive enzyme, or more specifically a catalyst for digestive reactions.<\/p>\n

This means that it can help to break down your food more before it makes it into the bowels in the first place and it can also help to break down your stool!<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Magnesium<\/h3>\n

Magnesium<\/a> is a mineral that can be found in a number of different food sources or again, taken in supplement form. This has a large number of benefits, from helping to boost brain plasticity (enhancing learning) to increasing the production of testosterone. What it also does though is to help smooth the muscle tissue by releasing calcium.<\/p>\n

This is another thing that can otherwise exacerbate constipation: if your muscles are tight and contracted, then you will struggle to let stool pass easily through your body.<\/p>\n

So try to eat more magnesium and you should find you relax more and this makes it easier to let the stool move through.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Valerian Root<\/h3>\n

Another thing you can add to your diet that is famously good at encouraging the relaxation of muscles is valerian root<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Valerian root is a herbal remedy that many people use to get to sleep and this can be useful if you are struggling to sleep due to your constipation! But what\u2019s also handy is that valerian root will help you to further relax your muscles and thereby allow the stool to pass through more easily.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Warm Bath<\/h3>\n

Taking a warm bath is another very good way to encourage yourself to go to the toilet. Once more, this can help to relax the muscles<\/a> and thereby help stool to move more freely through the body.<\/p>\n

Another advantage of a warm bath is that the warmth on the stomach can seemingly stimulate our desire to go to the toilet and encourage us to better overcome the psychological blocks that prevent us from going!<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Relax!<\/h3>\n

In general, relaxing is a very important step in overcoming constipation. The problem is that we often feel anxious about our need to go to the toilet. As we\u2019ve already seen, constipation is an uncomfortable and painful condition.<\/p>\n

It can also be embarrassing and stressful \u2013 and especially if we know we\u2019re going to need to go later on when we\u2019re at work or in a less ideal situation.<\/p>\n

This actually has the unwanted effect of making us less likely to be able to go to the toilet, creating a \u2018vicious cycle\u2019. Remember: in order to pass stool effectively, the muscles surrounding the bowels<\/a> need to be relaxed and at ease. If you are stressed then they will contract and become tense. So relax and you should find it comes a little easier!<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Coffee<\/h3>\n

Often the diuretic<\/a> effects of coffee are seen as one of the downsides! In fact though, this can be a very effective tool for encouraging yourself to go to the toilet as it speeds up the metabolism and encourages the passage of stool.<\/p>\n

If you have a couple of coffees throughout the day, then you\u2019re likely to find yourself needing to go to the toilet more often. Note that this can eventually cause dehydration in itself so don\u2019t overdo it.<\/p>\n

Likewise, caffeine can also have a number of other side effects which might eventually become an issue!<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Squat<\/h3>\n

There is a school of thought that suggests the way we currently go to the toilet is wrong. Currently, most of us will go to the toilet by sitting which actually puts is in a bent over and cramped position. This might actually prevent the stool from moving naturally through the body the way it should!<\/p>\n

So, what is the solution? Well according to some, the way we\u2019re actually designed to go to the toilet involves squatting<\/a>.<\/p>\n

This position allows gravity to do its job much more efficiently and this in turn will help you to completely evacuate your bowels. For those that are constipated, this will make it a little easier to let the stool fall out more quickly and easily with less need to strain severely!<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Omega 3<\/h3>\n

Any food that is naturally high in oils can help to make your stool oily as well. This is good news because it will help to lubricate the stool and that in turn will allow things to move more easily through your colon. Like a water flume. Sorry\u2026<\/p>\n

The best source of omega 3<\/a> fatty acids is in fish or taken as a supplement. You can however also get them from flax seed oil or hemp oil \u2013 and various different sorts of oil from your diet can also be useful.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Exercise<\/h3>\n

A surprisingly effective way to encourage bowel movements is to exercise<\/a>. Any kind of movement can help to move things around downstairs and thereby encourage them to move a little further down the pipe. Without meaning to come up with another graphic mental image, it\u2019s a little like shaking the ketchup bottle (brown sauce?) in order to get the stuff out from the bottom\u2026<\/p>\n

The best types of exercise are those that involve running or rebounding. Think trampoline or jogging.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Green Tea<\/h3>\n

Coffee<\/a> is an effective tool for encouraging yourself to go to the toilet thanks to the caffeine content. Well, tea is also a great source of caffeine and particularly green tea.<\/p>\n

The best thing about a green tea like yerba mate, is that it contains a helpful balance of caffeine with l-theanine. L-theanine helps to relax you and in some ways takes the edge off of the caffeine.<\/p>\n

This means that you can enjoy a little more without becoming jittery and paranoid. What is more, is that it also means that you can benefit from relaxed muscles in those key regions again \u2013 something with coffee might act counter to.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Saline Solution<\/h3>\n

A saline<\/a> solution can help you to encourage movement in the bowels in a manner similar to other electrolytes \u2013 by encouraging the stool to absorb fluids. Be careful though, as drinking saline solution is actually a quick way to make yourself vomit, which will in turn make you much more dehydrated.<\/p>\n

A good option is to use an over-the-counter laxative that works via saline content. Another option is to use an isotonic drink, which naturally contains the correct balance of electrolytes.<\/p>\n

Be careful when using saline laxative products however. Using too much can cause an imbalance of electrolytes which can be dangerous. This is best used under the close supervision of your doctor.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Coconut Water<\/h3>\n

Coconut<\/a> provides the perfect balance of electrolytes. This makes it helpful for softening your stool but also makes it great for hydration and for improving your overall health significantly. It can hydrate you, boost your brain, improve nerve function and generally help you to feel more energetic.<\/p>\n

This is a useful option because it will not only help you to empty your bowels, but also to feel a little better and gain relief from the symptoms in the short-term.<\/p>\n

Note that when using any of these methods, drinking more water and fluids is important to help replenish the things you\u2019re potentially losing to your bowels.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Apple Cider Vinegar<\/h3>\n

Apple cider vinegar<\/a> has a ton of different benefits. Among these is its ability to help empty the bowels and combat constipation.<\/p>\n

One reason this works is that it contains more digestive enzymes which can help to break up food and stool. It can actually clear drain blockages, so it should be able to do a good job for you!<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more is that apple cider vinegar is a good source of healthy, beneficial bacteria cultures. When you consume these, you improve the balance of healthy fauna in your gut. This helps with a number of important processes, not only breaking down foods and increasing absorption but also helping to regulate various biological processes \u2013 including bowel movements.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Yogurt<\/h3>\n

Yogurt <\/a>is another good source of those healthy bacteria cultures and can help you to break down your food. Yogurt is also again a very soft food that is good for encouraging the bowels to move.<\/p>\n

But do keep in mind that yogurt is dairy. One more reason that you might experience constipation is if you\u2019re lactose intolerant. If you suspect this is the problem then you should try eliminating dairy from your diet for a time to see if that improves your situation. Of course, that also means you shouldn\u2019t be eating yogurt.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s good for everyone else though!<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Avocado<\/h3>\n

Avocados<\/a> are incredibly good for us and are highly popular among health food fanatics. They taste delicious, they\u2019re highly versatile for use in a range of different snacks and meals and we\u2019re discovering new great things about them all the time.<\/p>\n

For example, avocado is ideal for once more lubricating the stool. This is thanks to the inclusion of yet more omega 3 fatty acid, as well as the healthy saturated fats in avocado as well.<\/p>\n

Avocado is also very good as a source of various useful minerals and vitamins and it can help you to absorb more nutrients from your food, meaning they don\u2019t end up in the bowels in the first place.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Pineapple<\/h3>\n

Pineapple<\/a> is a great choice because it is high in fiber and roughage (which your teeth will be able to attest to as you spend all evening picking things out of them) as well as fluids and bromelain.<\/p>\n

Bromelain is the most interesting inclusion on that list, being another digestive enzyme that is key for breaking down foods and for breaking down bile as well.<\/p>\n

And as we\u2019re at the end of this list, how about some other fruits that are also good for encouraging movement? These include berries, as well as watermelon which is a great source of fluid. And in the vegetable camp, try getting some celery which is mostly water and roughage!<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Wait<\/h3>\n

All the things we\u2019ve looked at here can be highly effective in encouraging healthy and frequent bowel movements and can address acute instances of constipation<\/a>.<\/p>\n

However, it is important even then not to try and rush proceedings. If you strain or push you can burst a blood vessel or even cause more serious problems. Try these remedies and then just give it time. If it doesn\u2019t happen yet, then just come back when you feel ready.<\/p>\n


As you can see, there are many ways to encourage the bowels to do their business. These generally involve lubrication, fiber and hydration<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Combine this with some exercise, relaxing the muscles and maybe taking a warm bath and you should be dropping some weight in no time.<\/p>\n\r\n
