{"id":313,"date":"2017-05-29T12:39:42","date_gmt":"2017-05-29T12:39:42","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=313"},"modified":"2021-05-11T14:17:03","modified_gmt":"2021-05-11T14:17:03","slug":"21-causes-leg-pain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/21-causes-leg-pain\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Causes of Leg Pain"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Leg pain is something that can be a real blight on our health and happiness. Whether this is a minor nagging complaint or a serious amount of discomfort, it will make it harder for us to move around and stay active and will, in turn, cause us to gain weight and lose muscle. If you\u2019re someone who considers themselves very active, then being unable to run or engage in sports might be a real concern for you.<\/p>\n

Then there\u2019s the fact that leg pain can make it hard to get comfortable. If you\u2019re constantly shifting in your seat, constantly dealing with low-level pain and generally living with any kind of pain then it can end up taking some of the color and enjoyment out of your life.<\/p>\n

The problem though is that leg pain is such a broad topic that there could be any number of potential causes. Honing in on just one thing that is wrong may be near impossible and this can make it very hard to know what to do in order to address the problem.<\/p>\n

In this comprehensive post, we\u2019re going to take a look at 21 possible causes of leg pain and hopefully one of these might ring true for you.<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Muscle Cramp<\/h3>\n

One of the most common causes of leg pain is muscle cramp<\/a> and this is particularly common in the calf or lower leg. Cramps occur when the body is low on key electrolytes such as potassium or sodium and this can then cause the muscle to go into spasm and contract painfully. It\u2019s also particularly common at night.
\nForget the home remedies like corks in your bed! The best way to treat muscle cramp is to get yourself more electrolytes in your diet. Specifically, this might mean consuming more potassium and sodium from bananas and potatoes or maybe drinking an isotonic sports drink. Hydration is also very important.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0RLS<\/h3>\n

RLS is \u2018restless leg syndrome<\/a>\u2019. This is a condition that causes constant fidgeting and movement, most commonly in the lower part of the body. If you\u2019re one of those people who \u2018can never sit still\u2019 and is constantly bouncing their leg up and down under the table, then chances are that you may have RLS.<\/p>\n

Now RLS is not necessarily painful and might simply be felt as an \u2018urge\u2019. However, some people say that it does feel like pain and discomfort, in which case you might wish to see a doctor. Recent research suggests that low dopamine may be the cause.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0DOMS<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019re a gym rat then what you\u2019re experiencing might just be \u2018DOMS<\/a>\u2019. This is \u2018Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness\u2019 which essentially describes the normal muscle pain that we tend to feel after an intensive workout. It\u2019s not entirely certain what actually causes DOMS, though it is agreed that it is likely to do with the build-up of metabolites or damage to muscle fibers.<\/p>\n

Either way, it should go away in time. The best treatment is actually to engage in more exercise targeting the affected area!<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Shin Splints<\/h3>\n

Shin splints<\/a> describe pain felt in the lower legs, usually at the front \u2013 in the shins. This pain can continue indefinitely but might be felt worst when jumping, running or squatting down. It\u2019s often caused by repeated impact sports which can overload the muscles and tendons. It\u2019s also more common in those with flat feet, or with outward rotation of the foot and leg. The pain will usually go away with rest, though it might also require anti-inflammatory drugs.<\/p>\n

Listen to your body and don\u2019t force yourself to continue when you notice pain!<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Runner\u2019s Knee<\/h3>\n

Another common ailment affecting runners, in particular, is runner\u2019s knee<\/a>. This term actually describes a wide selection of different problems and these include failure of the patella to track properly over the joint. If you suspect that you have runner\u2019s knee, you may wish to visit a physiotherapist or a chiropractor, either of whom may be able to help.<\/p>\n

At the same time though, it is also important that you consider the possibility that you may have caused lasting damage. In this case, you might be required to switch to a lower-impact sport such as swimming or cycling.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0RSI<\/h3>\n

RSI is repetitive strain injury: literally damage caused by the strain<\/a> of repeating the same limited motion over and over again. This tends to be most common in the hands and wrists which are regularly used for work. However, if you cycle or use other kinds of regular leg movements, it\u2019s still possible this could be causing your leg pain.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Muscle Imbalance<\/h3>\n

The muscles<\/a> in your leg are constantly exerting a force on your joints, even when you are at rest. Ideally, you should have equal development across your muscle mass, which will ensure that the force is equal from all angles and thus the joint does not feel strained or pulled in any direction.<\/p>\n

However, if your hip extensors are overly developed and your flexors are underdeveloped \u2013 or vice versa \u2013 then you can start to feel that uneven strain which results in pain when at rest and especially during activity using the legs.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Muscle Tear<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019ve been playing sports prior to your leg pain starting, then there\u2019s a good chance that the issue will have been caused by a leg tear. This can occur as a result of overexertion or failure to warm up. It\u2019s actually normal for microscopic tears to appear in the muscle during regular activity but a full muscle tear<\/a> is what happens when these are too pronounced leading to results that are visible and very painful on a macroscopic level. Be careful and always warm up!<\/p>\n

If you are suffering from this kind of pain, then once again rest will help. Likewise, elevation and a warm compress can also be helpful.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Stress Fracture<\/h3>\n

A stress fracture<\/a> is a kind of broken bone, except it is one that can go unnoticed for long periods of time. You might think of a broken bone as being something that you would likely recognize as the result of the visible deformity and dramatic accident causing the problem.<\/p>\n

However, a stress fracture is a little different and can actually occur more gradually over time. If you\u2019re on your feet a lot of the time or if you\u2019re just gone on a long walk, then you can actually cause tiny amounts of damage over time that ultimately result in a hairline fracture in the bone. The best treatment is rest.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Growth Spurt<\/h3>\n

If the person afflicted is still under 16 (or less likely, under 21) then there\u2019s a chance that they are experiencing growing pains. Growing pains occur when the bone stretches at the soft growth plates and this stops once we reach adulthood as the plates fuse and become locked in place. This pain<\/a> is most commonly felt during the night and there isn\u2019t a whole lot that can be done for it. The best treatment is simply to use analgesics, perhaps a warm compress and good-old time.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Broken Bone<\/h3>\n

While a stress fracture can cause pain that goes unnoticed, a more severe break will with no doubt cause a lot more noticeable pain. In this case, it is very important that you see a doctor who will be able to prescribe painkillers and will likely provide a cast or splint in order to keep the bones<\/a> properly aligned while they heal. Failure to do this could result in loss of mobility and deformity as a result of the bones healing incorrectly. Don\u2019t ignore a break!<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Sprain<\/h3>\n

A sprain<\/a> describes damage to ligaments caused by overstretching. It can happen during sports or even regular activity and again, warming up is one of the best ways to avoid this happening. It\u2019s also important to look out for potholes, curbsides and other places where you can twist an ankle.<\/p>\n

Usually, there will be no need for a cast or splint but it can be a good idea to speak with your doctor and perhaps see a physiotherapist. Once you have sprained a joint, it becomes more likely to happen again. Watch your step!<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Tendonitis<\/h3>\n

Of course, you can get a range of different injuries affecting the tendon or the muscle. Sometimes this can simply be tendonitis<\/a> \u2013 where the tendon becomes swollen and inflamed as a result of trauma or even just poor tracking. Either way, this can make walking and other normal activities painful and it could even make it hard for your foot to fit in a shoe! Speak with your doctor. They may be able to prescribe you with a steroid injection to reduce the swelling. Rest is once again on the cards!<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Arthritis<\/h3>\n

Arthritis<\/a> is not one condition but many conditions that can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort in the joints along with other symptoms. Whether you are suffering from rheumatoid or another form of arthritis, this is a common reason for leg pain and could also result in loss of mobility. Speak with your doctor to try and find treatment.<\/p>\n

Note that while arthritis is more common in the elderly, it can affect you at any age. There is support out there, so make sure to seek it.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Gout<\/h3>\n

Gout<\/a> is actually one form of arthritis. This is caused by a build-up of uric acid in the joints, which the body is unable to properly dispose of. This then causes \u2018gout attacks\u2019 resulting in rapid and severe swelling, redness and potentially large, hard lumps. If you notice these symptoms then you should speak with your doctor.<\/p>\n

Fortunately, gout is manageable and with the right diet and medications, attacks can be limited.<\/p>\n

Note that gout can actually affect any part of the body but is most commonly felt in the big toe (90% of patients will experience this) and this is closely followed by the knee and the middle of the foot.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Fibromyalgia<\/h3>\n

Another condition that is related to arthritis and might be classified as such, fibromyalgia<\/a> is nonetheless quite unique in its symptoms and onset. Specifically, fibromyalgia is caused by an increased sensitivity to pain which can result in pain all throughout the body, or felt in just one area. This can also lead to stress, depression and very low energy, and like gout it will tend to come on in waves or attacks.<\/p>\n

This is a serious condition with no cause, but there are once again things you can do to manage it \u2013 so speak with your family GP.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Bruise\/Impact Trauma<\/h3>\n

While there are a huge number of different conditions and causes that can lead to leg pain, it is important not to rule out bruising<\/a>, cuts or even just discomfort from use. Your leg pain might be relatively harmless and caused by an awkward sleeping angle, getting kicked during sports or banging your knee on the bed! All these things might seem obvious but it\u2019s surprising just how easily you can actually forget banging or scraping a limb or a joint and this can then leave you wondering what the cause of the pain is.<\/p>\n

If you notice that you are experiencing discomfort then try to think if you could have done anything to cause it. If you think this is simply the result of a bump, then the best treatment is once again RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Don\u2019t put weight on it unnecessarily until the pain has subsided.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease<\/h3>\n

The lining of the arteries<\/a> in the legs can become damaged or narrow (atherosclerosis) which in turn can reduce blood flow and this can create a specific type of leg pain that is described as claudication. This is most commonly felt when walking, going upstairs or engaging in physical exercise. The pain is essentially caused by a lack of blood supply.<\/p>\n

There are a number of conditions that are linked with lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and these include diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, and smoking. If you suspect this may be the cause, then you should speak with your doctor quickly as it can otherwise lead to gangrene and in worst case scenarios \u2013 the loss of a limb.<\/p>\n


\"\"19. \u00a0Infection<\/h3>\n

Gangrene<\/a> is one example of an infection but it is actually only one. More common and more likely to go unnoticed is cellulitis (which has nothing to do with cellulite!).<\/p>\n

This condition causes the area around a cut or even an insect bite to become discolored (red, yellow, black), very swollen and very tender to the touch. You might find that what starts as a very small bite eventually becomes too painful to touch and that you end up completely unable to put any weight on it. This is easy to ignore as you might think it is \u2018just a bad bite\u2019 or \u2018just a bad cut\u2019.<\/p>\n

However, if the pain appears to be disproportionate to the size of the initial injury then you should get antibiotics as soon as possible to prevent it spreading further and causing more damage.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Back Problems<\/h3>\n

Back problems can actually be experienced as pain in a range of different parts of the body. Likewise, this can be caused by a range of different types of back problem. Again, a simple imbalance of muscles can cause uneven pressure on the hips and thus the legs, resulting in awkward gait and discomfort<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Meanwhile, narrowing of the spinal canal can lead to sciatica and other issues which are then felt in the leg. You might also notice weakness, tingling, numbness, and pain in the spine.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s common to assume that the location of the pain is a clue as to the site of the injury or illness. This is not always true however and that is why it\u2019s very important that you pursue every avenue.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Varicose Veins<\/h3>\n

Finally, you might also experience leg pain as a result of varicose veins<\/a>. If you notice that the veins in your leg are very prominent and visible, then this can cause a dull ache in the area.<\/p>\n

This is especially common after long periods of standing up and is more common as you get older and especially in the overweight people. There are solutions and treatments, however \u2013 such as wearing support stockings to help provide compression and to ease the pain.<\/p>\n\r\n
