{"id":2661,"date":"2019-01-21T04:53:48","date_gmt":"2019-01-21T04:53:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=2661"},"modified":"2021-05-24T15:08:29","modified_gmt":"2021-05-24T15:08:29","slug":"18-beyond-belief-beet-juice-benefits","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/18-beyond-belief-beet-juice-benefits\/","title":{"rendered":"18 Beyond Belief Beet Juice Benefits"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The health benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables to turn them into shakes, smoothies, and juices are very well known, and it\u2019s achieved a huge amount of popularity even amongst people who don\u2019t generally consider themselves health-conscious \u2013 and why not?

Juice offers a healthier alternative to soda, and a tastier alternative to water \u2013 and while you\u2019re drinking juice, your body is getting a lot of the daily requirements that it needs just through something as simple as adding a few glasses of natural, healthy and great-tasting juice to your diet every day.

Beet juice is one of the best types you can add to boost your immune system and improve your overall health, and its many health benefits includes its high potassium content and the fact that beetroot juice can improve your liver health.

Here are 8 of the most unbelievable beetroot juice benefits it can have for your health.

1. Beetroot juice can decrease your risk of dementia.<\/strong>

Dementia <\/a>is a common degenerative condition of the brain whereby the pathways in the brain die off far faster than they should, and this can lead to symptoms such as forgetfulness and severe loss of memory, personality and basic motor function over time. Sudden brain inactivity after years of actively using the mind can serve as a trigger for dementia, and a family history of the disease can be one of the highest risk factors for developing it other than this.

Beetroot juice is more than just good for your health: Its compounds can also help you to decrease the chance you have of developing dementia in your lifetime, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle and a real effort to keep your brain active as you age.

It\u2019s a great way to stay healthy, and beetroot juice is one of the tastier options to get everything your diet needs.


2. It\u2019s high in potassium.<\/strong>

Potassium <\/a>is an essential mineral for the body, and it\u2019s especially essential for any specific health conditions that affect the heart\u2019s health; in fact, potassium is often prescribed for bringing down exceptionally high cases of blood pressure, and potassium can even save your life if you are about to have a heart attack by bringing your heart rate back under control and restoring its essential minerals.

Most people think of a banana as the richest source of potassium, but this isn\u2019t the case even though it might be the more popular option: Beetroot juice can be higher in potassium than bananas and can be just as great for your health, especially when it\u2019s combined with enough exercise for your body type, a healthy diet, and generally healthier lifestyle choices.

Beetroot juice is exceptionally good for the heart, and a few glasses per week does the same as armfuls of supplements.


3. Beetroot juice can improve your liver health.<\/strong>

The liver is the first part of the body where toxins <\/a>are processed, and this makes the liver one of the body\u2019s most important organs for helping to get rid of toxins \u2013 and this is essential for your everyday health. If your liver isn\u2019t doing its job right, then it\u2019ll be felt everywhere in the rest of your health, and it can leave you feeling lethargic, or even do so much damage to your liver in the long term that you need to have surgery \u2013 or a liver replacement as a worst-case scenario.

Beet juice is one of the best, easiest and best-tasting ways to help your liver to detox, and it can get rid of all of the toxins that your body picks up on a daily basis without a lot of effort.

Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, beet juice is one of the easiest and most natural ways that you can use to help your liver.


4. Beet juice can decrease your risk of developing cancer.<\/strong>

Beet juice <\/a>is one of the healthiest possible types of juice that you can add to your diet if you want to boost your immune system and improve your health, and there are many studies that support this fact \u2013 but this isn\u2019t the only reason why you should add beet juice to your regular diet.

Beet juice can actually help to decrease your risk of developing cancer. This is something that\u2019s important for everyone, but that you should pay special attention to if there are any specific factors in your life that puts you at an increased risk of developing cancer \u2013 such as a family history.

If you happen to be adopted (or don\u2019t know your family\u2019s health history at all), then you should make an appointment for some simple genetic tests to establish your risk level, and treat your life as though you were high-risk at all times just in case. <\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


5. Contains very little calories<\/strong>

The urge to want to snack throughout the day is a completely normal one, and everyone has the need to give themselves a necessary boost every now and again, especially just before lunch or before they end their day at work; but at the same time, this is what most people consider to be cheating on their (usually very strict) diets <\/a>\u2013 and there\u2019s no need to do this at all.

Snacking is your body\u2019s way of telling you to consume something, and it\u2019s not the snacking itself that\u2019s the unhealthy part of it, but instead, the way that you snack that makes all of the difference. Instead of choosing the normal high-calorie snacks that you would or opting for soda when your body tells you to hydrate, choose juice for this need instead.

Beet juice contains very little calories (as little as 60 per average serving) and it makes for the perfect healthy snack.


6. High in Vitamin A<\/strong>

Vitamin A<\/a> is one of the many essential vitamins that the body needs to get through the day; if you aren\u2019t getting enough vitamin A through your daily diet, you can expect to see a range of symptoms that can include severe dehydration, permanent damage to the liver and even a dramatic reduction in eye function \u2013 and a serious vitamin A deficiency can even stop you from absorbing many of the body\u2019s other essential minerals.

Beetroot or beet juice aren\u2019t the first things that people think of when they want to find something that\u2019s exceptionally high in the right vitamins, but what they don\u2019t know is that beet juice can easily be as good as taking an entire range of supplements all in one, and all that you have to do is add a few glasses of beet juice to your diet a few times per week to see the results.


7. Beet juice is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound.<\/strong>

Anti-inflammatory<\/a> components in your diet are usually recommended when you have problems with health conditions like arthritis or inflammation of any parts of the body. If this describes you, the simple addition of a few things in your diet can be all that you need to improve your health and take down the inflammation that\u2019s causing your pain.

It\u2019s normal for people to jump to pharmaceutical options first, but after a while these are no longer as effective as they were the first time you took them because of the fact that the body is bound to develop a tolerance to these chemicals over time \u2013 but the same isn\u2019t true for natural methods that can be used in combination with these pharmaceutical methods.

Beet juice serves as one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory methods that you can include in your diet, and it can bring you incredible relief for a condition that many people thought was hopeless.


8. Beet juice improves eyesight<\/strong>

Beetroot juice can be a great help when you\u2019re trying to improve your eyesight, and research supports the theory that beet juice can even be helpful to aid the symptoms of common health conditions such as glaucoma <\/a>when combined with the right forms of traditional treatment and a healthy lifestyle.

Ideally, you should include a glass of beetroot juice in your diet just a few times per week for the best results, and you should make sure to follow an overall healthy diet with this \u2013 one that includes an abundance of fresh, natural and healthy components that gives your body everything that it needs to stay healthy for as long as possible.

If you have particularly severe eye issues or discomfort, your best bet is to make an appointment with a doctor to find out if there are possible treatment options that can help you to improve your health and eyesight.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


9. Prevents Hair Loss

Beetroot juice helps to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss in men and women. For men, it can slow the spread of male pattern baldness, and for women, it stops hair thinning. Beetroot contains high levels of potassium<\/a>, one of the causes of hair loss. Potassium also stimulates follicles to produce thicker hair.

Drinking beetroot juice also encourages the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is the protein building block for healthy bones, skin, and hair. When the body has a collagen deficiency from certain inflammatory bone diseases, such as arthritis, it loses collagen, calcium and other vital minerals into the bloodstream where they excrete through urine.

Drinking beetroot juice every morning for two weeks can have dramatic results on improving any potassium deficiency. You\u2019ll notice the effects in the strength and shine of your hair. The additional potassium provides a sheen and vibrant color to your hair, reducing breaks and split ends.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


10. Boost Hemoglobin

Hemoglobin <\/a>is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen through the body. When we have low hemoglobin levels, due to an iron deficiency, the blood struggles to absorb enough oxygen to satisfy the needs of our organs. As a result, the brain begins to shut down all non-essential organs and parts of the body that don\u2019t require as much oxygen to function.

Affected individuals may notice feelings of light-headedness, shortness of breath after walking, and dizzy spells. These symptoms occur due to starving the brain of oxygen.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Eating beetroot improves iron levels in the body, reducing symptoms of anemia. The root vegetable is high in folate, another nutrient critical in the production of healthy red blood cells.

Beetroot is so effective at improving iron levels, as it\u2019s a rich source of non-heme iron (plant-based iron.) So much so, that doctors often ask anemic individuals to include it in their diet.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


11. Assist Detoxification

Our digestive system absorbs the nutrition from our food and excretes the waste. Unfortunately, the state of the modern diet means that most people aren\u2019t getting the recommended daily amount of fiber in their meals.

We need around 15-grams of fiber in our diet every day. Without it, we begin to shows signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. Bloating<\/a>, gas and lower abdominal pain are all signs of a lack of fiber in your diet.

Fiber keeps things moving in your gut, allowing for the smooth transition of food particles throughout the stomach, intestines, and colon. Beetroot comes loaded with 3,8-grams of soluble fiber in every cup, making it one of the densest sources of dietary fiber per serving.

When detoxing the body, we focus on clearing the digestive system of undigested food particles and toxins. Eating a serving of beetroot gives you additional fiber that sweeps your GI tract clean while absorbing harmful toxins to flush your system clean.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


12. Improve Stamina

Are you feeling a bit down this afternoon? Before you head off to the coffee machine, try a beetroot juice to wake you up instead. Headed out to the gym? Try sipping on beetroot juice in the car on the way to your workout increases the absorption of oxygen <\/a>into red blood cells, giving your muscles the ability to work at their full capacity.

Drinking beetroot juice also stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the body. Studies show that elevated nitric oxide levels increase blood cell volume, allowing them to carry more oxygenated blood to muscle groups.

Increased iron and nitric oxide levels improve circulation which enhances stamina levels. Juice a few beets before your next workout and notice the difference in muscle volume and performance. Beetroot juice makes a great post-workout drink as well, the nitric oxide promoting compounds in the vegetable help improve the muscle recovery window and get you back in the gym faster.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


13.  Eliminate Hypertension

Over 75-million American adults suffer from the health effects of high blood pressure. Hypertension<\/a>, also known as, \u201cthe silent killer,\u201d presents very mild symptoms in its initial stages. Most patients don\u2019t even realize they have a blood pressure disorder until the condition starts to spiral out of control.

Symptoms of elevated blood pressure and hypertension include tightness in the chest, angina \u2013 a feeling of constriction in the arteries due to a lack of blood flow, as well as light-headedness and elevated heart rate. If left untreated, hypertension can become life-threatening, presenting the affected individual with a stroke or heart attack in the future.

Doctors recommend that people with hypertension increase their intake of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, and eat vegetables that create more nitric oxide in the blood.

Drinking beetroot juice provides the body with all of these essential nutrients, as well as a healthy dose of nitric oxide to improve circulation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


14. Manage Blood Glucose

Obesity <\/a>is a huge social issue in the United States. Almost two-thirds of the population is overweight or obese, according to guidelines set by the Body Mass Index, (BMI.) Obesity creates numerous adverse health issues, with diabetes being the most prevalent disease across all risk groups.

People with diabetes lack insulin sensitivity to the meals they eat. As a result, the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin to manage the blood sugar swings that occur during meals. People with diabetes rely on blood glucose management medications, like insulin, to control their blood sugar levels during the day and around meals.

Drinking beetroot juice improves insulin sensitivity in obese individuals. While it can\u2019t replace the requirement of a healthy diet, it\u2019s an excellent way to enhance the body\u2019s mineral balance and help it to regulate the production of insulin after eating a carb-heavy meal. Beetroots contain \u201calpha-lipoic acid,\u201d (ALA.) This antioxidant alleviates stress-induced blood sugar changes in diabetic individuals, as well as lowers glucose levels.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


15. Stop Arteriosclerosis

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in America. Arteriosclerosis <\/a>occurs when our blood triglyceride counts for low-level lipoproteins, (LDL,) exceeds 70mg\/dL in our blood. In this state, the additional LDL proteins begin to form a lining of plaque on the arterial walls. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

If left undiagnosed and untreated, arteriosclerosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke when the plague dislodges itself from the arterial wall, blocking blood flow.

Increased LDL is the only risk factor associated with heart disease, but many factors contribute to elevated levels of these lipoproteins in the blood. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, and drinking sugar-based sodas all contribute to an increase in serum LDL.

Drinking beetroot juice helps the body maintain and better triglyceride profile by reducing the liver’s production of LDL, and increasing the production of HDL cholesterol the type of lipoprotein responsible for optimal heart health. The additional nitric oxide also improves circulation, reducing the development of plaque deposits.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


16. Protection from Free Radicals

When we\u2019re out in the sun, the UV rays<\/a> penetrate our skin causing the production of free radicals. If you\u2019re not careful with controlling levels of these harmful particles in your body, you\u2019ll end up experiencing the premature signs of aging.

Early symptoms of aging include wrinkles in the skin, created by free radicals as they oxidize and destroy healthy skin cells in surrounding tissue. Free radicals cause all sorts of nasty aging processes in the body, so it\u2019s best to focus on a diet that helps your remove these harmful particles and cleanse your bloodstream.

Drinking beetroot juice eliminates free radicals before they do any damage. Drinking a glass of the juice first thing in the morning gives your body a dose of healthy vitamins and minerals, along with free radical-fighting antioxidants.

The phytonutrients, betanin, and violaxanthin found in beetroot juice give it its natural deep purple color, and they also help the body in clearing free radicals.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


17. Helps Men with ED

As discussed, the nitrates found in beetroot juice assist the body with the production of nitric oxide<\/a>. This compound widens blood vessels, allowing for the efficient transportation of oxygen throughout the body.

Men dealing with the effects of ED sometime experience the condition due to low blood oxygen levels that fail to provide an erection during arousal. Drinking beetroot juice improves levels of nitrates and iron in the blood that elevate oxygen levels, relieving symptoms of ED in some cases.

While beetroot juice is no Viagra, consistent consumption of beetroot juice improves circulation, leading to improvement in symptoms of ED in men.

This Nitric oxide effect is also tremendously significant for athletes. The enhanced blood flow means they can operate at peak performance for longer, without the fear of running out of steam on the track. Try a glass of beetroot juice in the morning, or before a sprint or running session, and watch your performance improve on the road and in the bedroom.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


18. It\u2019s Cheap to Make

Visiting the juice bar for your daily dose of beetroot can become an expensive habit. Most juice bats charge upwards of $3 or more for a small cup of juice. Why pay these outlandish prices when you can make fresh juice at home?

All you need to get the job done right is a juicer and a few fresh beetroots. Add the beets to the juicer, and it automatically separates the plant material from the juice. Keep the fiber for a few days in the fridge; it\u2019s an excellent addition to salads, so why throw it away?

Drink a glass of the juice every morning to reap its health benefits. It\u2019s okay to store your beetroot juice in the fridge, but we would advise you to leave it longer than three days, or you\u2019ll begin to notice the liquid denature and oxidize. The heat generated during the juicing process starts the degradation of vitamins <\/a>and minerals, so it\u2019s best to juice fresh every day if possible.
