{"id":2579,"date":"2019-01-20T08:11:42","date_gmt":"2019-01-20T08:11:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=2579"},"modified":"2021-05-20T18:52:38","modified_gmt":"2021-05-20T18:52:38","slug":"16-most-effective-home-remedies-for-earache","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/16-most-effective-home-remedies-for-earache\/","title":{"rendered":"16 Most Effective Home Remedies for Earache"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Earache is a common health condition that everyone will experience at least once in their lifetime, and it can be a very painful and uncomfortable condition to suffer with \u2013 especially if you aren\u2019t sure what causes it and nothing seems to help relieve the pain.

There are many different things that can cause earache, including a sinus infection, headache, ear infection or general infection elsewhere in the body; sometimes earache can even be caused by a burst eardrum, common with even slight trauma to the head or exposure to loud noise, usually industrial and occurring in the workplace.

Earache can be an extremely frustrating condition when it feels like you can\u2019t find anything that helps relieve the pain, but you should know that there are natural methods that can help.

Here are 8 of the most effective home remedies for earache that you can use to relieve the pain of earache.

1. Anti-Inflammatories<\/strong>

Anti-inflammatory<\/a> medication can sometimes do a lot for eliminating the symptoms of earache, and many of these medications can be found over-the-counter \u2013 but there are many people who would prefer to fix their earache through natural means instead.

You\u2019ll be glad to know that there are plenty of anti-inflammatory compounds available in nature that can do the job just as well as over-the-counter medications that are derived from the same compounds.

Powerful anti-inflammatory compounds found in nature (such as rooibos tea or turmeric) can boost your immunity, reduce inflammation and help you combat the root cause of an ear infection much faster.

Of course, none of these anti-inflammatory compounds are applied to the ear directly, but instead added to the diet and combined with other methods on this list for the best possible effect.

If pain persists, then you should try some of the other methods mentioned on this list \u2013 and if none of these work, make an appointment with your doctor to find the cause.


2. Applying Heat or Cold<\/strong>

When earache <\/a>is being caused by an underlying infection in the body or ear canal, it\u2019s likely that you\u2019ll show some of the other common symptoms of an infection \u2013 and if this happens to you, then fever is one of the most common symptoms that you\u2019ll experience.

Fever isn\u2019t fun, even though there\u2019s plenty of practical reason for why it happens to your body \u2013 and nobody likes the feeling of earache combined with ears that feel like they\u2019re burning up.

You should know that in most cases of an infection, that\u2019s exactly what\u2019s happening and you will likely find some relief by applying heat or cold to your ears directly \u2013 often cold will bring you some relief if you\u2019re running a fever, but keep in mind that you don\u2019t want to shock the entire body with cold in the throes of a fever: Shock can turn fever fatal.


3. Massage<\/strong>

Massage <\/a>is one of the most effective techniques to bring relief to the symptoms of earache, and combined with some of the other methods on this list it can do a great deal to relieve the symptoms and even take care of curing the ear infection that\u2019s causing the pain in the first place.

Swelling, heat, and discomfort can be some of the other symptoms that occur when you have an earache \u2013 and in all of these cases, massage can take care of all of these symptoms at once.

Ideally, you\u2019re looking for a light massage to the ears \u2013 don\u2019t rub too hard, and don\u2019t put any pressure on the inside of the ear. The idea is just light massage to relieve the pain. Sometimes it can help to wet the hands under icy cold water to help relieve the warm discomfort that\u2019s often associated with an infection or earache.


4. Onions<\/strong>

Onions<\/a> aren\u2019t thought of as the first thing that you should jump towards if you\u2019re struggling with the symptoms of an ear infection, but it can save you a lot of time and trouble if you were to include onions in your weekly diet \u2013 and it might even boost your immunity enough so that ear infections that cause earache become less of a problem overall.

Especially when the problem of earache and infections become a regular one, you should try some of the methods on this list to relieve the symptoms along with moving to a better, healthier and more natural diet.

How can onions benefit the symptoms of an ear infection? It\u2019s one of the best ways possible to boost your immunity, which is what you\u2019re most in need of if you\u2019re trying to naturally combat any kind of infection in the body.

See your doctor if symptoms persist even after this and no other method works.


5. Garlic<\/strong>

Garlic <\/a>is one of the healthiest possible things you can add to your everyday diet, and garlic is particularly good for your liver and your heart \u2013 if you are trying to control conditions like heart disease or high cholesterol, then one of the first things you should include more of in your diet will be garlic.

These aren\u2019t the only things that garlic can do for you and your health; if you have any kind of raging infection in your body, the first thing that you want to do is to boost your general immune system so that it can combat the infection better by itself \u2013 and garlic is one of the best immune-boosting compounds that we know of.

If you don\u2019t want to  include garlic in your diet, then you should choose garlic supplements instead. They\u2019re available in capsule or pill form, and they can do the job just as well \u2013 often better because of the fact that its ginger in a more concentrated form.


6. Suction<\/strong>

One of the most common causes for earache is hardened earwax <\/a>that collects inside the ears and becomes harder to remove the longer it\u2019s left to become more; it\u2019s never safe to go digging for lost earwax, especially not with a q-tip that can become lodged in the ear or even puncture the eardrum if you were to attempt it \u2013 so you\u2019ll have to resort to other methods if you want to clear up the ear canal.

There are plenty of ways to get built-up earwax out of the ear canal, and ideally you should do this as gently and slowly as possible to avoid irritating the ear canal further or causing permanent damage to the eardrum.

One of the easiest ways is by softening the ear wax inside the ear canal (usually a few drops of saline in the ear are enough to do this) and then applying some slight suction to the area: Usually cupping your hand over your ear is more than enough to do the trick.


7. Smoke<\/strong>

Earache is commonly caused by debris and dirt that gets trapped in the ears; if this is left alone for too long, this can cause an ear infection<\/a>, and this can only add to the amount of pain and discomfort that you are experiencing. \u00a0

One of the quickest ways to fix an earache is by blowing some clean tobacco smoke directly into the ears. You might have to ask someone to do this for you \u2013 there\u2019s no way to really blow smoke into your own ears.

Blowing smoke into your ears sounds like one of the stranger natural methods on this list, but it\u2019s one of the best possible ways to relieve earache, especially when nothing else has helped to relieve the pain. Many times it can help to reduce the earache completely and it can even take care of the debris in the ear that might be causing your earache in the first place.


8. Saline Wash<\/strong>

A common cause of earache is the collection of ear wax on the insides of the ear; over time, this ear wax can collect and harden into a plug that can cause deafness and earwax. Even if you clean your ears on a regular basis, some earwax can still remain trapped in your ear \u2013 and it\u2019s never safe to go digging in your ears with anything.

This leaves the question of how you\u2019re supposed to get this hardened earwax out of your ear if it\u2019s not healthy to remove it yourself and if q-tips aren\u2019t doing the trick.

The easiest way to do this is with a saline <\/a>wash: Saline is simply purified saltwater, and this is a great natural way to flush the ears and get the stubborn, trapped earwax out of your ears. A saline wash is also useful for cleaning the sinuses, and if your earache is because of sinus problems, this should also be able to take care of it.,


9. Steaming with Essential Oils

Manufacturer\u2019s produce concentrated oil extracts for use in topical and diffusing applications. Diffusing is a great way to clear the sinus of blockages and reduce inflammation<\/a>. Search your online health retailer for a diffuser, they\u2019re a cheap device and last for years.

However, if you don\u2019t have a diffuser lying around, you can still produce the same result using a few items lying around your kitchen. Boil a kettle and pull out your largest Pyrex bowl. Fill the dish with the boiling water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. We recommend trying tea tree oil and lemon extract, they are readily available and have potent healing properties to relieve sinus congestion.

Place the bowl at your feet and drape a towel over your head to collect the aromatized steam. Breathe deeply, and remember to keep your eyes closed. The steam enters your sinus and goes to work soothing the sinus, relieving the pain associated with the inflammation from an earache.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


10. Fish Oil

Fish oil<\/a> extracted from the flesh of salmon and deep water fish like cod is available for purchase in soft-gel capsules and bottled liquid format. We prefer the bottled cod liver version due to its purity and the way it provides variable dosage. If you select the liquid variety, make sure you keep it in the fridge. Exposing the oil to light and room temperature heat will; turn the valuable Omega-3 essential fatty acids rancid, removing their health benefit.

The Omega-3 EFA\u2019s eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that taking between one and nine grams of cod liver oil every day has tremendous benefit in assisting the body with fighting off inflammatory disease.

You might think that eating fish will have the same effect on your health. However, the world\u2019s oceans are more polluted than ever, contaminating fish stocks with heavy metals, microplastics, and radiation that end up on your plate. Filtered cod li9ver oil removes these contaminants.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


11. Lemon Extract

Earache occurs due to viral or bacterial infection of the ear canals. Using a natural antiseptic <\/a>and antibiotic can significantly reduce the severity of the virus, and speed up the healing process. We\u2019ve already discussed the benefits of diffusing earlier, and lemon extract oil is an excellent place to start.

The rind of lemons contains polyphenol antioxidants known as \u201climonoids.\u201d These potent compounds have antiseptic, antibiotic, and antimicrobial properties that go to work on soothing your earache. Place a few drops in your diffuser and let it run overnight in your bedroom.

The pleasant fragrance of the lemon relaxes the mind, and breathing in the medicated steam will help open up your sinuses and clear any blockages in the ear canal. Repeat this treatment every night until the infection shows signs of clearing. Never apply lemon extract directly onto your skin, as the sharp acidity of the oil may cause irritation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


12. Ear Candling

Earache can develop due to excessive earwax buildup in the ear canal. Removing the earwax with a cue tip is the most common way of getting rid of this nasty stuff, but it sometimes hurts the ear, and you can\u2019t go deep enough with the cue tip to reach deposits further down the ear canal<\/a>. Ear candling will unblock your ears and reduce symptoms of an earache, even if it\u2019s a viral infection.

Ear candling is a homeopathic practice of removing all of the excess earwax from your ear canal. Some people choose to ear candles at home, while others may visit a professional homeopath to receive managed treatment.

Ear candling involves placing a hollow, 10-inch candle into your ear canal and lighting the tip. The heat of the flame melts the earwax and creates positive suction that pulls out the earwax. Remaining wax will fall out over the course of the next few days.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


13. Tea Tree Oil

This oil is regarded highly in traditional medicine as a natural antimicrobial and antiseptic compound., Take the lid off of a bottle of tea tree oil, and you\u2019ll immediately notice the strong aroma that has a clinical edge to it and reminds you of a sterile hospital environment.

Tea tree oil<\/a> gets its cleansing properties from a plant polyphenols are known as, \u201dterpinene-4-ol,\u201d and \u201ccineole.\u201d These natural compounds both have potent healing powers, but terpinene-4-ol is the primary ingredient we\u2019re interested in for curing symptoms of an earache.

Terpinene-4-ol comes in different strengths and concentrations in tea tree oil. We recommend that you search online for a brand that offers a level of no less than 30 to 40-percent for terpinene-4-ol, and less than 7-percent cineole.

Add a few drops of this oil to your diffuser and let its healing properties enter the air around you. Add this extract to your lemon oil and use it at night to gain relief from an earache.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


14. Breast Milk

No mother wants to hear her baby cry. Infants with an ear infection typically can\u2019t talk and tell you what\u2019s wrong with them. However, mothers usually figure out it\u2019s an earache that the cause of the pain, reasonably quickly.

It may seem like an alternative cure for an earache, but breast milk can provide your baby with relief from pain symptoms. Breast milk<\/a> contains natural antimicrobial compounds that fight infection and disease. Place a few drops into your baby\u2019s ear, and the antimicrobial properties should start to show some signs of relief after a few minutes. Repeat the treatment every few hours until symptoms begin to diminish, and your baby stops crying.

Mothers don\u2019t have to worry about the milk infecting their babies ear, it naturally dries out and absorbs into the skin. Some research suggests that breast milk may even work to cure symptoms of pain in adults affected with an earache.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


15. Ear Drops

Homeopathic eardrops are available online at your favorite retailer. Using these medicated drops helps to soothe the symptoms of pain associated with an earache, and speed up healing time. Various brands are available, and we suggest you look for a product that contains a saline solution to clear out your sinus<\/a>.

In the presence of an ear infection, earwax and fluid buildup pressure in the ear. This pressure creates a throbbing pain behind the ear that can become excruciating at times. Using ear drops helps to loosen up the earwax and fluid, removing the pressure, and the pain.

It\u2019s important to note that saline ear drops are no replacement for antibiotic eardrops and you should always use the product that your doctor prescribes over any homeopathic ear drop products. Place a few drops into your ears every few hours, and you should begin to experience some form of relief from pain symptoms.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


16. OTC Remedies

As discussed, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory\u2019s like ibuprofen<\/a>, acetaminophen, and aspirin can provide relief from inflammation of the ear canal associated with an ear infection. It\u2019s vital that you understand not to give aspirin to young babies. Infants who consume aspirin are at risk of developing a condition known as, \u201cReye\u2019s syndrome.\u201d

In most cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, (NSAIDS,) can provide relief from symptoms of an earache. However, in some cases, the bacterial or viral infection that causes an earache may be resistant to the effects of anti-inflammatory eardrops and drugs. These affected individuals should consult a doctor if they don\u2019t experience a reduction in symptoms after 248 to 72-hours, it could be signs of a severe viral or bacterial infection.

Other OTC remedies include; Vitamin C for enhanced immune health, as well as medicated ear drops. Any of these 16 remedies will offer you relief from the symptoms of pain associated with an earache. Give a few of them a try and note your results.
