{"id":12767,"date":"2020-04-06T08:07:29","date_gmt":"2020-04-06T08:07:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=12767"},"modified":"2021-07-02T14:57:45","modified_gmt":"2021-07-02T14:57:45","slug":"14-common-causes-of-foot-cramps","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/14-common-causes-of-foot-cramps\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Common Causes of Foot Cramps"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

When you are feeling fine and going about your day to day business, the chances are that you do not give your feet much thought. You get up, walk around, and do the things that you have to do to get by. However, when your foot or your feet start to ache, it is then that you realize just how important this appendage is. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

When you get a cramp in your foot, you may wonder how you are ever going to deal with the pain. If you get occasional foot cramps, it is not a real reason to be concerned. Most of the time, the cramps will come and go, and you can then move about your day. However, if you notice that you are getting foot cramps quite often, it could be the sign of an underlying medical issue. Here are 14 common causes of foot cramps to consider.  

1. Improper Footwear<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

If you are suffering from foot cramps, there is a good chance that the shoes that you are wearing are simply too tight. When you wear shoes that do not fit properly, it can cause you to get blisters <\/a>on your feet. Also, shoes that are too tight may be cutting off circulation to your feet. If there is not enough blood getting to your feet, it can cause you to experience cramping throughout the bottom of your feet as well as in your toes. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Shoes that are too tight may also hinder movement in your feet, which can lead to the muscles cramping up. When you purchase any type of footwear, it is important to make sure that you can wiggle your toes inside of your shoes. If you notice that you cannot move your feet inside of the shoes that you are wearing, it is time to purchase a new pair that will fit your feet properly. 


2. Dehydration<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

One of the main causes of any type of cramping, including foot cramps, is dehydration<\/a>. If you do not take in enough water, your tissues and organs cannot function properly. If you become dehydrated, your muscles will not get the water that they need. When your muscles do not have enough water, they will start to malfunction. Muscles malfunctioning may be experienced in different ways, but ultimately will cause you to experience the spasms and pain that are associated with having cramps. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Most of the time, dehydration is a symptom of not taking in enough water. However, some health conditions may cause you to lose fluid. Some examples of health issues that cause a person to lose fluid are gastroenteritis or any infection that causes you to vomit or have diarrhea. If you are experiencing foot cramps, try drinking some water to help alleviate the pain. 


3. Exercise<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Your feet are always busy, no matter what you are doing. The muscles located in the foot will contract and expand to allow for normal movement. When you exercise<\/a>, your foot muscles are doing even more work to help keep you balanced. If you overdo it when you exercise, it might lead to fatigue in the foot muscles, and this may result in the muscles of the foot starting to cramp. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Any athlete, dancer, or worker may experience foot cramps at some point because they tend to put a lot of stress on their feet. If you are experiencing foot cramps after working out, it could be the result of overexertion. The best thing that you can do in this case is to make sure that you are allowing your feet time to rest. Elevating your feet for little bits at a time can help alleviate stress and reduce cramping. 


4. Potassium Levels<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Potassium <\/a>is an essential electrolyte found in the body. It helps to control nerve and muscle cell functioning. If you do not eat enough foods that contain potassium, you may experience muscle cramping, particularly in your legs and your feet. Hypokalemia is a disorder that causes a person to have low levels of potassium. People who suffer from hypokalemia may experience muscle cramping regularly. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

The symptoms of hypokalemia are often mild, but when the potassium levels become severely low, a person may experience fatigue, weakness, abnormal heartbeats, constipation, and cramping in their muscles. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your doctor will test your urine and blood to determine potassium levels. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Eating foods such as bananas can help to increase your levels of potassium quickly and minimize cramping. If you are diagnosed with hypokalemia, your doctor may prescribe medications to help ease some of the symptoms that you are experiencing. 


5. Nerve Damage<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

It is possible to damage the nerves located in your feet, which is called peripheral neuropathy<\/a>. Peripheral neuropathy can cause pain throughout the foot that you might mistake for simple cramping. People who experience peripheral neuropathy may also have pain in their hands. The hands and feet may start to feel weak or numb and can be extremely painful. One of the common causes of this type of nerve damage is diabetes. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Other things that may cause a person to experience nerve damage include genetic issues, infections, metabolic issues, and exposure to toxins. If you are experiencing pain that burns or feels very cold, stabs, pricks or tingles, and the area is very sensitive to contact, there is a chance that you have damaged a nerve in your feet. You will need to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause and to get appropriate care for the issue. 


6. Electrolytes<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Low potassium levels are not the only reason that you may be experiencing cramping in your feet. When you sweat, you lose other important electrolytes as well. If your body is low in certain electrolytes <\/a>and other important minerals, the imbalance may trigger your body to cramp. Sodium, calcium, and magnesium levels are vital to the body. If the levels of these important minerals and electrolytes are imbalanced, you may feel cramps in your legs and your feet. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

If you have recently been sweating a lot due to exercise or other overexertion, it is important to replace these nutrients quickly. Drinking sports drinks that contain these important nutrients can help ease some of the pain that you might be experiencing. It is also important to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water when you work out or are working hard. This can help you avoid becoming dehydrated. 


7. Pregnancy<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

When a woman is pregnant, many things are going on throughout the body. As a woman\u2019s body grows a person inside of it, there is a lot of pressure on the muscles and joints. Besides, many of the nutrients she is eating are going to the baby first. Women who are in their second or third trimesters are at risk of getting cramps in their feet and their legs. The main reason for this is because potassium and magnesium <\/a>deficiency are higher while pregnant. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

If you are pregnant and experiencing cramping, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. You should make sure that you are drinking plenty of water so that you do not become dehydrated. In addition, your doctor may tell you to take a supplement to help improve your levels of potassium and magnesium. Make sure that you only take what your doctor approves. 


8. Fatigue<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

If you are already overtired, you may be more prone to getting leg and foot cramps. When you are extra tired, there is a good chance that you might not be hydrating properly or eating properly. If your body has not had enough time to heal from the last time you exercised, it can also lead to cramping. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

When the muscles are fatiguing, it will not use nutrients properly. This means that tired muscles <\/a>will lose more nutrients than it is using. Getting muscle cramps during the night can be caused by this. When you are waking up with cramps through the night, you are likely to feel more tired as you are not getting the rest that you need. This can lead to a vicious cycle. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

If you are experiencing leg cramps and have been feeling extra tired recently, try taking some time off to relax and allow your body time to heal simply. 


9. Standing or Sitting<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

The muscles of the body are made to contract, move, and relax. If you are doing something out of the ordinary, such as sitting all day at a conference or standing in a line for a ride at an amusement park, you may experience cramping in your foot and your legs. Standing for long periods can contribute to muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue<\/a> can cause your muscles to cramp up. If you sit for long periods, it might predispose the muscles to malfunction. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

The fibers of the muscles can become hyperactive as they are not being used as they were intended. When the muscles become hyperactive because of lack of use, a person may experience cramping. If you are getting foot cramps from standing too long, try sitting for a bit to give your muscles time to relax. If you have been sitting for a long time and your muscles cramp, moving around might help. 


10. Medications<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

If you are experiencing foot cramps and you are unsure of the cause, you might want to look at any medications that you have recently started taking. If you have recently been prescribed a diuretic<\/a>, this might be the cause of your cramping. The reason is that these medications are designed to help remove fluids from the body. While they are prescribed for many reasons, one of the side effects is that the body will become depleted of salts and fluids. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

When your body does not have enough fluids and salts, it may cause you to experience cramping in your muscles. Pain medicines, such as pregabalin and naproxen, may also cause cramping. Other medications that might cause a person to experience foot cramps include albuterol, conjugated estrogens, intravenous iron sucrose, teriparatide, and raloxifene. If you have started a new medication of any kind and are now experiencing foot cramps, discuss this with your doctor as you may need a different prescription. 


11. Peripheral Artery Disease<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

If you have recently started to experience cramping in your legs and your feet, and it is not related to overexertion or dehydration. You have not started taking any new medications, and it is essential to talk to your doctor. Your doctor will need to run some tests to determine if there is an underlying cause for these cramps. One condition that may cause you to start experiencing foot suddenly and leg cramps is peripheral artery disease. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Peripheral artery disease<\/a> occurs when there is too much cholesterol in the blood. When this happens, the cholesterol may block or clog the blood vessels in the legs and feet, which affects the flow of blood. When the muscles are not getting the proper amount of blood, you may experience cramping. This condition can become dangerous if it is not diagnosed and appropriately treated, which is why it is essential to talk to your doctor.\u00a0


12. Multiple Sclerosis<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Multiple sclerosis<\/a> is a disorder of the nervous system. This disorder can cause many health issues. Some people who have multiple sclerosis may experience leg and foot cramps as a part of the disease. A person who has MS may experience involuntary muscle twitches and spasms, and this can cause cramping to occur. The muscle spasticity can feel like a tingling or mild tightness within the muscles for some people with MS.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Other people may experience severe cramping and a lot of pain when this occurs. If you are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, you may have cramping from time to time. Each case of this disease is different. It is essential to discuss all of your symptoms with your doctor so that proper treatment can be provided. There is no cure for MS, but if it is not treated, spasticity caused by the disorder may cause the joints to become immobilized or frozen. 


13. Osteoarthritis<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

When you do not use your muscles properly, they may become overexcited. As mentioned, sitting for too long or standing for too long can cause you to experience cramps in your legs and your feet. At times, nerves in the legs or feet may malfunction as well. When this occurs, you may experience cramping. Osteoarthritis <\/a>is the most common form of arthritis. People who suffer from osteoarthritis will often experience pain in their joints. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

However, some people suffer from this disease that will also experience muscle spasms, which in turn will lead to cramping. If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, there is an inflammation of the joints. This may occur anywhere in the body. If you have severe osteoarthritis and experience muscle cramping, it could cause further nerve damage. Your doctor may prescribe medications to help alleviate some of the pain that you are experiencing as a result of osteoarthritis. 


14. Hypothyroidism<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

The thyroid is a gland that is associated with your hormones. This little gland does a lot for the body, and if it is not working correctly can cause a lot of health issues. Hypothyroidism <\/a>occurs when the thyroid is overactive and produces too much of certain hormones. At times the thyroid may produce too little of necessary hormones. The overabundance or deficiency of these hormones can cause damage to the nerves that are sending signals from your brain to your arms and legs. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Some people who have an underactive thyroid may experience numbness or tingling in their muscles. Other people may experience muscle cramping as a result of an overactive or underactive thyroid gland. If you have leg cramps that are unresolved, it is essential to speak with your doctor to determine the underlying cause. A more serious underlying health issue may cause unexplained foot and leg cramps. <\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

