{"id":12741,"date":"2020-04-06T06:45:27","date_gmt":"2020-04-06T06:45:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=12741"},"modified":"2021-07-02T14:08:17","modified_gmt":"2021-07-02T14:08:17","slug":"14-home-remedies-for-seborrheic-dermatitis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/14-home-remedies-for-seborrheic-dermatitis\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Home Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Dermatitis is a medical blanket term that refers to conditions that affects the skin; if you have dermatitis, then there is usually either an external or internal factor causing irritation for your skin – and it’s likely to cause symptoms that might include a rash, itchiness, redness and sometimes flaking or peeling of the skin around the area.

Most forms of dermatitis aren’t contagious and instead rely on these internal or external factors (which might be diet, an infection elsewhere in the body or a medication side-effect) as a potential cause – and the first thing you should know if you have recently received a diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis or similar types from your doctor is that relief from the symptoms can easily be found at home.

Combinations of these home methods can often work better than pharmaceutical methods that would have done the same thing.

Here are 14 home remedies for dermatitis that can relieve the itching, discomfort and pain associated with the cause.

1. Keep Skin Dry

One of the first and most important therapeutic recommendations for dermatitis <\/a>is keeping the skin as dry as possible: Where already irritated skin becomes wet or stays moist, it can cause to irritate the skin even further – and this can become a cycle of potential infection where you are more prone to develop problems you didn’t have at the beginnings of just having dermatitis.

Always keep the skin dry where and when you’ve noticed the starting appearance of a rash, whether or not it’s the kind of rash that causes itching and irritation. Sometimes a change of the type of underwear might help this problem for many people – other times, you might have to ensure that you use a clean, dry towel every time you get in and out of a shower or bath to make sure skin remains dry and doesn’t become re-infected with the same problem.


2. Use Baby Powder

Adding to the first home remedy for dermatitis that appears on this list (keeping the skin <\/a>as dry as possible for the period of the condition lasting), there are many ways to help the skin to stay dry if you have a specific patch of skin that’s prone to irritation and itching: The simple use of baby powder.\u00a0

It’s available at most grocery stores, drug stores and convenience stops – and it works well to keep the skin completely dry, especially in areas where you are currently having problems.

It’s normal to sweat throughout the day: Everyone does it. But it can make dermatitis feel even more uncomfortable and it can make the rest of your associated symptoms worse. Where this is the case, baby powder (or alternatively, talc powder) can come in handy.

If you have dermatitis, incorporating baby powder into your everyday routine is a great way to bring relief to the most uncomfortable of the symptoms until the condition has subsided.


3. An Oats Bath

Oats <\/a>is something that a lot of people (in fact, likely most that are reading this) would associate with breakfast rather than any other aspect of their health, but the truth is that oats can be one of the best things you can add to your life if you’re trying to take care of skin irritation, dermatitis or a generalized skin rash.

Just a cup filled with oats can be added to a daily bath for a soak. It’s not a lot of effort, but the effect of just a while spent in the water can mean that your skin feels less irritated due to the rash or irritation than before you got in.

It’s a great natural method to control the worst symptoms of dermatitis: Many people combine other methods on this list with an oats bath for a more all-round effect – and the same rules count: Keep the skin as dry as possible to avoid dermatitis from turning into a skin infection or worse.


4. Adding Essential Oils

There are many essential oils<\/a> that are known to be great for the skin, especially when the skin is undergoing some type of irritation or rash due to conditions like dermatitis. If you add a few drops of the right essential oil to your bath every day (or simply dab a solution directly onto the skin with a sponge or bit of cotton), you’ll notice that the serious itching associated with conditions like dermatitis is relieved pretty fast.

A solution, of course, means a drop or two of essential oils diluted with regular water: Dabbing oils directly onto the skin without diluting could mean that it serves as a further irritant for sensitive skin.

Application might be needed several times per day, and you might find that some essential oils work better than some others: Ones like camphor help the skin when battling dermatitis, but ones like lemongrass or lavender might irritate the skin.


5. Dietary Changes

Dermatitis can be caused by many health factors and conditions, and there are thousands of potential health factors which are so far known to aggravate the dermatitis symptoms. It’s fair to say that everyone has their own individual combination of things that they should avoid – and this can sometimes have a lot to do with dietary factors.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

rash <\/a>every time certain things are consumed can mean that it’s not the type of dermatitis you thought it was at first, but instead that you might be dealing with a serious allergic reaction triggered by dietary factors.

Allergies to anything exist, including nuts, seeds, lactose and wheat or gluten. 

If you suspect that your rash might be either triggered or worsened by something you’ve eaten, the best thing you can do is to seek out an allergy specialist who can help to establish what you might be allergic to instead of trying to figure it out yourself.


6. Alcohol Spray

The conditions that cause dermatitis generally don’t like to have alcohol brought near them, and that’s exactly why it helps: The presence of bacteria and germs is something you’ll encounter anywhere and everywhere around you – including in public and in the home – and if you already have dermatitis, this can trigger another round of itching, scratching and general discomfort together with a worsening of the rash.

Keep rubbing alcohol<\/a> around (or solutions such as mouth wash which might contain it) and reach for these whenever the itching or rash becomes a problem.

Remember that applying any type of alcohol or alcohol-based substance to a rash is going to sting, but in this case, the sting isn’t the worst of it: Cleaning areas affected with dermatitis in this way could very well help you to counter a potentially deadly infection that enters through broken skin (and makes its way into the bloodstream from there).


7. Sugar Scrubbing

Sugar <\/a>is something that the majority of people reading this will keep in the house, and it’s another one of the ingredients that most people would associate with food and diet before they think it might have any benefits for their health as a whole.\u00a0

If you have sugar somewhere, then a sugar scrub addition to your bath or shower can be a great way to scrub off the dead skin cells from the skin (and additionally help the skin to heal with “new” cells). 

Brown, coarse sugar works best for this method, although regular white sugar can work if you don’t have anything else around the house.

It’s a piece of advice that’s generally recommended for people who want to ensure their skin remains youthful – but it’s also something that works great for the removal of blackheads and for conditions such as dermatitis, where the goal becomes to promote the healing over of the skin with new and healthy cells.


8. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice<\/a>: One more thing that most people have in the cupboard at home, particularly when it’s time to make lemonade and temperatures reach into heights that aren’t typical of the rest of the year. Commonly, this is also the time when many people might experience flare-ups of conditions like dermatitis due to the heat and humidity changes that go with the seasons – and of course, things like sweat and clothing that changes already-irritated skin become added factors with the discomfort.

Lemon juice can have the same effect on the skin as alcohol: Where cleaning is needed, lemon juice and salt are some of the best things that you can use – and it can help to ensure all traces of bacteria that can aggravate an existing dermatitis infection is entirely removed from the skin.

Don’t over-do it and make sure that you dilute lemon juice with water where this method is used: Where not done properly, you might serve to irritate the skin more than is necessary.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


9. Avoiding Irritants

The term “irritant can refer to any number of a thousand things that you might encounter during your daily life – and when you have a condition like dermatitis, then the term irritant might be anything that causes or aggravates it further.

Sometimes, irritants <\/a>can be related to your diet (and was already covered earlier on in this list), ,but where changing your diet makes little to no difference to your condition, other potential skin irritants might be the culprit.

Think of things such as the fabric used for underwear and clothing, or the washing powder used to wash them: Sometimes, rarely, even the water can be the irritant in question.

Anywhere exposure to the irritant happens, you’re bound to see a flare-up of your symptoms happening. Thus, remove exposure to irritants anywhere you might be able to identify them and you are likely to notice that it helps for the worst symptoms of the problem they cause – especially when combined with the right methods from this list.


10. Immune Boosting

The body’s immune system<\/a> is what keeps it safe from any underlying infections and surrounding viruses or bacteria that the body might encounter – and where your immune system isn’t in the condition that it’s supposed to be (or currently being affected by something else), you’ll notice that you are getting sick a lot more often than you should.

Dermatitis is one condition which can be made worse when your immune system at a low: If you notice that dermatitis is a condition that either flares up during certain times or comes back after you thought it had already been treated, then your immune system might have a lot to do with why your body is reacting in this way.

There’s a lot of things you can do to improve your body’s immune system  naturally, including switching over to a healthy diet and using some of the methods that are mentioned in this article (including the use of honey in your daily routine).


11. Applying Baking Soda

Baking soda<\/a> is something that most people associate exclusively with baking, but something that has a ton of other potential uses for the house and health. For cleaning, baking soda is one of the most effective things you can use – but it also happens to be useful for cleaning the body from bacteria and potential skin irritants.\u00a0

Baking soda is one of the first recommended home remedies if you have a rash to deal with. It can help no matter what might be causing this rash, itch or irritation for your skin. Making a paste and applying it to any parts of the skin that might be irritated or inflamed can help to bring down the symptoms – but might not treat the cause, and it’s likely that you will still have to combine several methods from this list for full efficacy of your treatment.

See your doctor if home remedies make symptoms worse or remain ineffective: It might be another cause.


12. Avoiding Other Triggers

There are many other triggers that can either cause dermatitis in the first place or make the symptoms of dermatitis worse if you have the condition already: Some of these triggers such as diet and clothing or washing powder as potential irritants have already been discussed – although it has to be said that there are so many potential dermatitis triggers that they would be too many to list in just one article.

Instead, look for your own list of triggers: Things that make your condition worse when you consume it or do it. You might find that you have a related trigger for skin conditions that most others haven’t reported – and a combination of finding and eliminating these triggers are the best thing that you can do.

If you have trouble with this, try to make a list that can make it easier for you to track down symptoms – or additionally, see an allergy <\/a>specialist to establish what your triggers and irritants might be.\u00a0


13. Honey

People have been making use of honey <\/a>as a natural form of antibiotic for thousands of years, and the first good news that you should know about is the fact that it works just as well to control a variety of different infections (and keep other potential infections and health conditions far at bay during its use).

If you don’t have anything else to clean a potentially infected area with, honey works best (and directly applied!). The same way, honey can be added to teas and tinctures for an important immune system boost that your body could use most during this time.

Always make sure that you keep honey around the house just for its variety of different uses: Particularly for relieving the pain and discomfort that you might feel in the case of developing symptoms of dermatitis. 

Ideally, combine several methods out of this list for the best, fastest relief.


14. Changes in Hygiene Products

A lot of people don’t make the connection between the products they use to clean their skin and any potential infections and irritations that this might cause as a result: Should you develop dermatitis, the first thing that you should consider doing is switching to the use of simple soap and water (or one of the other easy methods in this article) for cleaning the skin – and half any use of hygiene <\/a>products, particularly ones that contain perfumes.\u00a0


Hygiene products that contain preservatives and perfumes can often irritate the skin further if you have any existing skin condition, and it might even sometimes be what causes the condition in the first place.

Change your hygiene products (or stop and slowly introduce new ones) if you suspect that you might have a condition such as dermatitis. It’s likely to make a difference in relieving the itching and pain the condition causes – and combining several methods on this list is likely to increase the success rate.
