{"id":1128,"date":"2017-11-08T06:48:49","date_gmt":"2017-11-08T06:48:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/?p=1128"},"modified":"2018-04-26T08:07:43","modified_gmt":"2018-04-26T08:07:43","slug":"12-foods-avoid-diverticulitis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.io\/12-foods-avoid-diverticulitis\/","title":{"rendered":"12 Foods to Avoid with Diverticulitis"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Diverticulitis is a common condition. It occurs when diverticula, small pouches, develop in the lining of the colon or small intestine. This condition can be associated with a variety of symptoms, which can include moderate to severe abdominal pain and tenderness, bloating, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea and constipation, among others.<\/p>\n

Though the exact cause of diverticulitis is unknown, it is believed that both diet and age play a big role in the development in this condition. People who are over the age of 50 are more prone to developing this condition, as are those who consume a diet that is low in fiber.<\/p>\n

If you have been diagnosed with diverticulitis, it is very likely that your doctor will instruct you to avoid eating certain foods. That\u2019s because there are specific foods that can aggravate this condition, compounding the unpleasant symptoms that are associated with it. It has been found that the side effects of this condition become worse when patients consume certain types of food, as they can become trapped inside the diverticula, causing further inflammation or infection.<\/p>\n

If you have received a diagnosis of diverticulitis, here\u2019s a look at 12 foods that you should eliminate from your diet.<\/p>\n

1. Spices<\/h3>\n

If you have a liking for spicy food, you are going to want to hold off on adding spices to your food if you have diverticulitis. Spicy foods are known to aggravate the digestive system in people who do not have digestive health problems. Since diverticulitis is a condition that affects the digestive tract (the intestines), it\u2019s best to avoid foods that contain spices. Chili powder, for example, should be off of your menu if you have diverticulitis. Spicy ingredients can irritate and inflame the digestive tract, causing diarrhea, vomiting and other issues, all of which are associated with diverticulitis.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Cabbage<\/h3>\n

If you have a taste for cabbage, it\u2019s highly recommended that you avoid this veggie if you have received a diagnosis of diverticulitis. While cabbage does contain a wealth of vital nutrients, it is also known to cause a symptom that can worsen the effects of diverticulitis: gas. As your body breaks down cabbage, it can inflame the intestines and create gas. A common symptom associated with this digestive health issue is gas, which can become extremely uncomfortable. The gas that cabbage causes can further inflame the diverticula, worsening the painful side effects that are often associated with diverticulitis.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Corn<\/h3>\n

There\u2019s nothing better than sinking your teeth into sweet and succulent corn; however, if you have diverticulitis, you are going to want to put off eating this grain. It has been found that corn worsens the side effects that are associated with this digestive health problem. There are three reasons why corn can aggravate diverticulitis: it\u2019s rich in fiber; it\u2019s full of glucose; it has a shell that is difficult to digest. All of these elements of corn make it difficult on the digestive tract, which is why it can worsen the side effects that are associated with diverticulitis.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Peppers<\/h3>\n

Just like you want to avoid eating spicy foods if you have diverticulitis, you also want to avoid eating peppers; particularly the red and green variety. Peppers have a natural spice to them, particularly red and green, which could worsen the effects of diverticulitis. Moreover, peppers \u2013 red and green, in particular \u2013 are hard for someone who has digestive health problems to digest. They are known to cause gas, which could buildup in the diverticula and cause even more pain. If you have diverticulitis, eating peppers can increase abdominal pain and cause constipation and diarrhea, so it\u2019s best to avoid them.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Broccoli<\/h3>\n

This cruciferous veggie is hailed for the vital nutrients and incredible health benefits that it offers. However, if you have diverticulitis, broccoli is a food that you are definitely going to want to avoid eating. Despite the incredible health benefits that broccoli offers, it can wreck havoc on the digestive system. Like cabbage, is difficult to digest and can cause a buildup of gas. As gas builds up in the digestive tract, it can further inflame the diverticula, worsening the effects of diverticulitis. It can also cause bloating, a side effect that is commonly associated with this health issue.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Fatty foods<\/h3>\n

If you have received a diagnosis of diverticulitis, you are going to want to avoid eating foods that are high in fat at all costs. This includes fried foods, such as French fries, wings, potato chips, as well as pizza, burgers and anything else that has a high fat content. Fatty foods are known to stimulate the digestive tract, which can cause inflammation and trigger the reflexes of the intestines, which is the portion of the digestive system that is affected by diverticulitis. Fatty foods can contribute to gas and diarrhea, issues that are commonly associated with diverticulitis.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Lentils<\/h3>\n

Lentils are famed for their health benefits, as they are rich in vital nutrients, such as protein, antioxidants and a wealth of vitamins and minerals. However, despite the health benefits of lentils, if you have received a diagnosis of diverticulitis, you are going to want to eliminate them from your diet. The reason being is that lentils can distress the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause further inflammation of the diverticula and further compound the effects of this condition. Many people who have diverticulitis have reported that eating lentils worsened the symptoms that are often associated with this condition.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Beans<\/h3>\n

Beans are famed for being high in fiber, which is great for people who do not have gastrointestinal issues. However, if you are suffering from diverticulitis, a condition that affects the gastrointestinal tract, you are going to want to hold off on eating beans. All types of beans, from kidney to lima and everything in between, are high in fiber, which can worsen the effects of diverticulitis. They can cause an excess buildup of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to further inflammation of the diverticula and can further compound the undesirable side effects of diverticulitis.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Red meat<\/h3>\n

If you are a meat lover, particularly if you are a lover of beef, you definitely want to reduce, if not completely eliminate, the amount of red meat that you consume. Though red meat is an excellent source of several vital nutrients, such as iron and protein, it is also difficult to digest. As it passes through the intestines, it can cause a buildup of gas in the diverticula, which will make the effects of diverticulitis worse. Eating red meat can increase bloating and stomach pain, and it can also lead to diarrhea, which is why it should be avoided.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Brussels sprouts<\/h3>\n

Brussels sprouts are well known for being a rich source of vital nutrients, making them an important food for the diet. However, if you are suffering from diverticulitis, you are going to want to avoid eating Brussels sprouts. Like broccoli and cabbage, Brussels sprouts are difficult to digest. As they pass through the digestive tract, they can produce a large buildup of gas, which can further inflame the diverticula and worsen the effects of diverticulitis. If you have this digestive health disorder, Brussels sprouts can cause increased gas, which can lead to more severe abdominal pain.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Whole grains<\/h3>\n

It has been proven that whole grains offer significantly more health benefits than refined grains; however, when it comes to diverticulitis, whole grains should be avoided. The reason? Whole grains are high in fiber, which can help to prevent this health condition, but if you are already afflicted by it, these grains can worsen the effects of this digestive health condition. Whole grains are high in fiber, which can lead to further aggravation of the intestines and potentially cause diarrhea, a symptom that is often associated with diverticulitis. Moreover, can cause further inflammation of the diverticula.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. Carbonated beverages<\/h3>\n

All carbonated beverages, such as sodas, seltzers, bubbly water or anything of a similar nature should be avoided if you have diverticulitis. This digestive health problem is the result of an inflammation of the diverticula, or small pockets that develop in the intestinal walls. Carbonated beverages are known to cause gas, which further inflames the diverticula and worsens the effects of diverticulitis. Gas and bloating are common symptoms that are associated with diverticulitis, and since carbonated beverages are known to cause gas and bloating, they should be completely avoided.<\/p>\n\r\n
