Don’t be alarmed, but chances are you are not getting enough potassium in your day to day diet. In fact, a 2015 study revealed that over 80% of U.S. adults were not intaking near the 3,510 mg of potassium daily as recommended by the World Health Organization. Why is potassium so important? As an electrolyte, it plays a vital role in transmitting electrical signals in the body which help regulate muscle contraction, maintain healthy blood pressure, and balance water levels. To put it plainly, it keeps your heart pumping at a healthy rate and powers the use of your muscles. If you’re looking to pump up the potassium portion of your diet, check out these 21 delicious options:
1. Avocado
Snag 20% of your daily value of potassium with 1 fresh cup of sliced avocado. This fiber-rich fruit known for its heart-healthy fats also delivers loads of potassium to your body with each bite. Where avocados used to be a summertime delicacy, increased farming and turn of the century trade agreements essentially have made avocados available in grocery stores year-round. Eat raw on salads and sandwiches, add to savory dips, or even throw in a fruit smoothie for a superfood boost – its relatively mild flavor and silky texture make it an easily adaptable food.