For thousands of years, reflexology has been used as a way to help people get relief from many types of physical conditions. Reflexology uses the notion that putting pressure on certain areas of the body can help cure disease and ailments and return the body to optimal health.
Reflexology of the foot uses the practice of putting pressure on different acupoints or pressure points that are located in the feet. These pressure points are linked directly to each part of the body. Foot reflexology provides pain relief and also helps to cure diseases by facilitating energy flow between the 15 pressure points on the foot and to the various parts of the body.
There have been several studies that have shown that foot reflexology can be effective in bringing relaxation and reducing pain in those who suffer from chronic pain. Here are 8 of the pressure releasing foot reflexology points to help alleviate pain.
1. Tai Chong
The Tai Chong is also called the LV3. This point is found by placing your finger between your big toe and the second toe. It is just at the point where the tendons come together. Applying pressure on this area for just a few seconds can help reduce stress.
It can also relieve headaches and can reduce feelings of irritability, anxiety, and anger. Women who are suffering from menstrual pain may also benefit from using this reflexology point. This point is also used for treating people who are feeling depressed.
It may also lower blood pressure as well as plasma endothelin levels in people who suffer from When applying pressure to this point you will want to be barefoot. Locate the area and then use pressure that is deep and firm. You should stimulate this area of the foot for about five seconds at a time.