If you travel a lot, you may also suffer from diarrhea. This is actually a common condition that affects a lot of people. Many people experience it every time they travel, and others only experience it when they travel to specific locations.
There are many things that cause traveler’s diarrhea, and the cause often determines the symptoms and their severity. While many of these symptoms can be treated with over the counter medications, some of them have more serious underlying causes that require prescription medications or other types of medical treatment.
The cause can be something as simple as eating something that doesn’t agree with your stomach or something as serious as a parasitic infection. If you are suffering from traveler’s diarrhea, understanding the symptoms can help you determine if you need to see a doctor or if it’s something that will go away on its own without treatment. Here are the most frequent symptoms of the condition.
1. Nausea
It’s not uncommon for people to experience a variety of stomach problems when they are suffering from traveler’s diarrhea or any type of diarrhea at all. The stomach is part of the digestive system, and many of the viruses and bacteria that cause diarrhea can also affect it. If you are suffering from diarrhea, you may feel nauseous before it begins. Many people feel slight stomach pain and discomfort or feel like they may vomit.
Once diarrhea begins, nausea may go away, or it may get worse. Nausea can be a sign that you are suffering from a stomach virus or have eaten something and have food poisoning. If nausea lasts for more than a few days, you may want to see a doctor. Sometimes medication is needed to help treat the underlying cause of the traveler’s diarrhea as well as other symptoms like nausea and stomach pain.