The piriformis is a muscle located in the buttocks. The primary responsibility of the piriformis muscle is to rotate the leg out. When this muscle becomes irritated or inflamed it can cause a person to experience pain that may radiate from the hip, buttocks, and all the way down the leg.
The reason that pain may be experienced in the leg is that the piriformis muscle is located near the sciatic nerve. This is the nerve that runs down the back and through the leg. When this nerve is restricted it can cause a person to experience pain that radiates from the back through the leg.
This may occur on either side. Piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle is inflamed and causes compression of this nerve. There are several symptoms and signs to look for if you think you may be suffering from piriformis syndrome.
1. Pain, Numbness, and Tingling in the Butt
When it comes to posterior hip pain there are only a few conditions that can cause this type of pain. One of the conditions that may cause a person to experience pain in their hip is piriformis syndrome. This pain is caused by the muscle that has become inflamed or swollen.
It can be felt at the top of the hip and across the side that is affected by the inflammation. This symptom can be aggravated through internal rotation of the hip, adduction, and hip flexion. All of these are movements that the piriformis muscle helps with. Since piriformis syndrome is not a very common condition, it is often misdiagnosed.
If you are suffering from pain in your hip and experience pain in your buttocks, there is a chance that you have this syndrome. You may also experience tingling or numbness in the butt if you are suffering from this syndrome as well.