Gastritis is caused by the thinning or inflammation of the stomach lining. It can be chronic or acute and be the result of excessive alcohol consumption, medications, stress, and other causes. The condition is caused by the growth of heliobactor pylori, a bacteria that attacks the stomach lining.
It can also be the result of bile reflux or other conditions. The symptoms of gastritis include stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, hiccups, bloating and irregular stools. Gastritis is usually diagnosed through an upper endoscopy with a camera inserted in the upper digestive tract or through a biopsy, the removal of some stomach tissue for analysis.
If you have been diagnosed with gastritis, there are a number of natural home remedies that can ease your symptoms and in some cases, can help reverse the problem. Even if you are taking medication of gastritis, the following tips can be helpful in strengthening the stomach lining and fighting against heliobactor pylori.
1. Stick to a Stomach-Friendly Diet
What we eat can affect inflammation of the stomach that can lead to or intensify gastritis. Sticking to a diet that is easy on the stomach can help ease the symptoms and reduce or eliminate the problem. You may already know what kind of foods cause a reaction and keep those off your table.
Alternatively, you may have noticed that some types of foods can help ease your symptoms. Keep a food journal and monitor what you eat while noting your reactions to certain foods. Common foods that should be avoided by those with gastritis include coffee, processed foods, dairy, spicy dishes, and alcohol.
You may or may not have gluten sensitivity which can exacerbate symptoms of gastritis. Some people also have problems with gassy foods such as beans. The list of foods to eat and avoid is likely to be different for the individual so find out what works well for you.