Heavy sweating is an embarrassing condition to deal with at any social event. Feeling like you’re bleeding water from every pore is uncomfortable, and it’s impossible to carry a towel with you wherever you go. No-one wants to deal with the effects of stained shirts, saturated collars, and soggy underwear all day long.
Sweating is a vital biological function that cools down the body when it gets warm due to environmental conditions or activity. Sweating removes the dissolved toxins from your blood and sends salt back into the blood to maintain optimal saline levels.
The medical community refers to excessive sweating with no underlying medical cause as primary hyperhidrosis. This form of heavy sweating occurs when the nerves accountable for stimulating the sweat glands become overactive, signaling for more perspiration, even when the environmental conditions are, and your body doesn’t need to sweat.
Primary hyperhidrosis is a partially hereditary condition. Secondary hyperhidrosis is the term for excessive sweating is a result of an underlying medical condition. Here are eight possible causes of excessive sweating.
1. Diabetic Hypoglycemia
More than 30-million Americans live with diabetes, that’s a staggering 9-percent of the population living with this blood glucose disorder. Individuals suffering from diabetes experience hypoglycemia, (low blood sugar levels,) when there’s not enough sugar in the bloodstream and too much insulin circulating in the blood.
Hypoglycemia is a blood sugar reading below 70 mg/dL. The condition induces heavy sweating as the body produces excess amounts of adrenaline during this blood sugar state. Several factors influence hypoglycemia, including strenuous exercise, and taking too much insulin with a meal, or skipping meals altogether.
If left untreated, hypoglycemia results in weakness and a loss of consciousness, with the possibility of ending up in a coma. It’s easy to spot the warning signs of the condition if you pay attention to your body. Treatment for hypoglycemia involves eating high-sugar foods to balance the body’s blood sugar levels. Try sipping on fruit juice or eating a candy bar to raise your blood sugar.