Nausea, we’re all familiar with this scourge. The queasy feeling that starts in your stomach and gradually makes its way up toward your throat. It could be triggered by unpleasant odors, pregnancy, digestive conditions or even viruses. It’s often unclear what the root cause of this nauseatic episode is, but regardless of what it might be, your only wish is for it to go away so that you can have a return to normality.
There are definitely some pills that can help with nausea, but why rely on popping pills whenever you feel a bit queasy? Becoming reliant on pills is never a good thing, especially when there are so many natural alternatives to treating nausea that you can do at home.
There are very many home remedies that claim to alleviate your nausea, but not all of them work. That said, we’ve compiled eight of the best remedies that actually do work and placed them all in this article for your reading pleasure.
1. Ginger Root
Ginger root is one of those long-standing home remedies that people use to treat nausea, but the big question is, does it actually work? Absolutely. This widespread remedy is widespread for a reason. Most people will suggest that you eat some ginger if you feel like puking. For thousands of years, ginger has been the go-to treatment whenever someone is suffering from nausea.
Even today in our modern age of medicine you’ll find countless studies that prove ginger is very effective in treating nausea regardless of what the cause. Be it due to chemotherapy, morning sickness, or seasickness, ginger can get rid of your nausea in an instant.
To this day no one is sure just how ginger works to treat nausea, but one explanation is that the gingerol content helps the central nervous system and digestive system cope so that they can fight back against nausea instead of surrendering to its spite.