Bursitis is a condition that can be quite painful. The bursae are small sacs that are filled with fluid. Their main function is to help cushion the tendons, bones, and muscles located near the joints. When these bursae become inflamed it causes a person to experience bursitis. The hips, elbows, and shoulders are the most common locations for bursitis to develop. Bursitis often occurs in any of the joints that are used frequently for the same movements.
Treatment for bursitis often involves resting the joint that has been affected and protecting it from becoming inflamed further. In the majority of cases, the pain from bursitis in the hip and other areas will go away after proper treatment in just a few weeks. It is common to have recurrent flare-ups of some of the symptoms of bursitis. Here are 8 symptoms that you may experience if the bursae in the hips become inflamed.
1. Limited Range of Motion
A person who has bursitis in the hip may experience a reduced range of motion in the legs and throughout the hips. The inflammation that is caused by the bursitis can make it difficult to move the hips and legs in any direction. It may be especially difficult even walk for short distances. It can be painful to move the legs at all as the hips are responsible for moving the legs forward while walking.
When the bursa becomes inflamed it can make it difficult to take even the smallest steps. One of the best options for overcoming this pain is to go through exercises that help to stretch and strengthen the hip. A physical therapist will be able to help teach you proper exercises to do in order to help heal bursitis in the hip. These exercises can help you overcome the pain and regain range of motion in the hips.