Narcolepsy is a disease that affects the way a person sleeps. While many people think the main symptom of narcolepsy is sudden and severe sleepiness, there are actually many symptoms that are overlooked. Many people feel tired during the day so it can take a long time for someone to feel like their tiredness is severe enough to warrant going to a doctor.
Doctors can usually diagnose narcolepsy pretty quickly and recommend a treatment that is effective. If you are feeling more tired or sleepier than normal and are worried you may have narcolepsy or another disease, you should seek medical attention. Here are some of the most overlooked signs of narcolepsy.
If you are experiencing any of them, make an appointment with your doctor. Narcolepsy can be a stressful and frustrating illness, but it is treatable and with proper treatment, you can live a normal life with healthy sleeping patterns.
1. Sleepiness
While sleepiness is the most common symptom of narcolepsy, you may be surprised by how many people overlook it as an early sign of the disease. Most people live busy lives and assume it’s normal to feel sleepy or tired every day.
It’s hard to tell if it’s something more. If you are feeling extremely tied every day, regardless of how much sleep you get each day, you may be experiencing the symptoms of narcolepsy. If you find yourself falling asleep during the day, napping often, or dosing off during times you should be alert, you may be more than just tired.
This symptom is the most obvious but also the most overlooked. If you are feeling overly tired, see a doctor to rule out a more serious condition or infection and to determine if narcolepsy may be the cause of your sleepiness and lethargy.