Poison ivy is an infamous plant, known for causing a severe rash on the skin. The reason this plant causes a rash is that its sap triggers irritation when it comes in contact with the skin. This sap is found in virtually all parts of the plant, including the leaves, the roots, and the stem. The sap found in poison ivy contains urushiol oil, which can cause a red, blistering, itchy rash.
The rash can develop when the skin makes direct contact with the plant; however, it can also develop as a result of touching with items that have been contaminated by it, including shoes, clothing, or even breathing in the smoke of the burned plant.
Only those who are allergic to the oil in position ivy are affected by the rash. If you are, you will start to see symptoms develop within 12 and 72 hours after you have been exposed. Symptoms include severe itching, red bumps, swelling, blisters, which can weep ooze, hives, and crusting skin.
If left untreated, it can take weeks for a poison ivy rash to heal, which can leave you in severe discomfort. To find some relief and speed up the healing process, here are 14 natural remedies that could do the trick.
1. An oatmeal bath
If you’ve ever had the chickenpox, you’ve probably taken an oatmeal bath before. Oatmeal contains avenanthramides and phenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can provide instant relief for itching. Just like an oatmeal bath works for soothing the itching associated with chickenpox, it can also soothe an itchy poison ivy rash.
Colloidal oatmeal works best, but regular oatmeal will do the trick if you can’t find the colloidal variety. Grind the oatmeal into a fine powder and add it into a tub of lukewarm water. Sit in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes to get some soothing itch relief.