Telangiectasia is a condition that causes thread-like lines to appear on the skin. They are connected to the blood veins and can fill with blood and even bulge. In most cases, it’s not a severe condition and only causes cosmetic problems.
In rare cases, they may be caused by a more serious disease called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. This can lead to the veins bursting and leading to serious bleeding in the body. It can affect different organs and different parts of the body, and you may not always be able to see the spider veins.
If you are at risk for developing the more serious form of this condition or have been diagnosed with it, talk to your doctor, and be aware of the symptoms. If you feel something isn’t right, seek medical attention immediately. If a vein bursts and is not treated promptly, it can lead to severe complications and even death.
1. Pain
While most people don’t experience any problems with telangiectasia, some people do experience pain. The pain may start as the spider veins show up or as they worsen. Some people claim that they feel pain if they touch the area, apply lotion, or if clothing rubs against it. Certain lotions or soaps can also aggravate the area of the body where the spider veins occur and cause pain.
The pain can vary from mile to severe and may be present at all times or may come and go. Cold or hot weather can also make the pain worse or better. Some people find the pain so severe that they seek medical attention for it. Others say it is more of a slight discomfort than actual pain.
Severe pain may be a sign of something more serious such as a blood clot. If the pain doesn’t go away or if the area feels hot to touch, you should seek medical attention to rule out a more serious condition.